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Drama (fictio)

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Exsecutor partesSugrivaeinKoodiyattamgeneretheatri Sanscritiagit.

Drama(exGraecoδρᾶμα 'actio', ex Graeco δράω 'facere, agere') est disertusfictionismodusinperfunctionerepraesentatus.[1]Actiodramatis intheatro,abactoribussuperpulpitoanteaudientiamcollaborativosproductionis modos etconlectivumreceptionisgenussumit.Structura textuum dramaticorum,aliorumlitterarumgenerum sic dissimilis, ab hac productione conlaborativa et receptione conlectiva recta impellitur.[2]Hamlet,tragoediaAnglicaGulielmi Shakesperii(1601), etOedipus rex,tragoediaclassicum AthenarumSophoclis(circa429 a.C.n.), sunt inter operaartisdramaticae summo artificio facta.[3]Exemplum hodiernum estLong Day's Journey into NightEugenii O'Neill(1956).[4]

Personae theatristragoediaeetcomoediae.

Personaeduae cum dramate consociatae usitatam divisionemgenericamintercomoediamettragoediamrepraesentant. QuaeThaliametMelpomenen,MusasGraeciae antiquae,imitantur: Thalia musa comoediae (vultu ridente), Melpomene musa tragoediae (vultu flente). Discrepatus est modus dramaticus, plerumque genuspoesishabitus, cum modisepicoetlyricopostPoeticamAristotelisvulgatam (circa335 a.C.n.)—primum opustheoriae dramaticae.[5]

Drama saepe cummusicaetsaltationeconiungitur: drama inoperausitate penitus canitur;ludi musiciplerumquediverbiumetcantushabent; et in nonnullis dramatis generibus, insigniter inter quaemelodramaetIaponiensi,musica incidentalisveladiunctiodiverbium exornat.[6]Certishistoriaetemporibus (in antiquoRomanoet hodiernoRomantico), nonnulla dramata adlegendapotius inscaenarepraesentata scripta sunt.[7]

Nexus interni

  1. Elam 1980: 98.
  2. Pfister 1977: 11.
  3. Fergusson 1949: 2–3.
  4. Daniel S. Burt,The Drama 100: A Ranking of the Greatest Plays of All Time(Facts on File, 2008),ISBN 978-0-8160-6073-3.
  5. Franciscus FergussonAnglice adfirmat "a drama, as distinguished from a lyric, is not primarily a composition in the verbal medium; the words result, as one might put it, from the underlying structure of incident and character. As Aristotle remarks, 'the poet, or" maker "should be the maker of plots rather than of verses; since he is a poet because he imitates, and what he imitates are actions'" (1949:8).
  6. Vide, exempli gratia, "opera," "musical theatre, American," "melodrama," et "Nō" in Banham 1998.
  7. Quamquam historici theatri inter se discrepant, ludiSenecaead scaenam fortasse non destinati sunt.ManfredByronianumest exemplum "poematis dramatici."Vide" Seneca "et" Byron (George George) "in Banham 1998.
  • Banham, Martin, ed.1998.The Cambridge Guide to Theatre.Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.ISBN 0-521-43437-8.
  • Baumer, Rachel Van M., et James R. Brandon, eds.1981.Sanskrit Theatre in Performance.Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass, 1993.ISBN 978-81-208-0772-3.
  • Brandon, James R.1981.Introduction. In Baumer and Brandon 1981: xvii–xx.
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  • Brockett, Oscar G., et Franklin J. Hildy.2003.History of the Theatre.Ed. nona, ed. internationalis. Bostoniae: Allyn and Bacon.ISBN 0-205-41050-2.
  • Brown, Andrew.1998."Ancient Greece." InThe Cambridge Guide to Theatre.Ed. Martin Banham. Cantabrigiae: Cambridge University Press, 441–47.ISBN 0-521-43437-8.
  • Carlson, Marvin.1993.Theories of the Theatre: A Historical and Critical Survey from the Greeks to the Present.Ed. augmentata. Ithacae et Londinii: Cornell University Press.ISBN 978-0-8014-8154-3.
  • Cartledge, Paul.1997."'Deep Plays': Theatre as Process in Greek Civic Life." In Easterling 1997c: 3–35.
  • Duchartre, Pierre Louis.1929.The Italian Comedy.Reimpressus. Novi Eboraci: Dover, 1966.ISBN 0-486-21679-9.
  • Dukore, Bernard F., ed.1974.Dramatic Theory and Criticism: Greeks to.Florentiae Kentukiae: Heinle & Heinle.ISBN 0-03-091152-4.
  • Durant, Will, et Ariel Durant.1963.The Story of Civilization, Volume II: The Life of Greece.11 voll. Novi Eboraci: Simon & Schuster.
  • Easterling, P. E.1997a."A Show for Dionysus." In Easterling 1997c: 36–53.
  • Easterling, P. E.1997b."Form and Performance." In Easterling 1997c: 151–77.
  • Easterling, P. E., ed.1997c.The Cambridge Companion to Greek Tragedy.Cambridge Companions to Literature ser. Cantabrigiae: Cambridge University Press.ISBN 0-521-42351-1.
  • Elam, Keir.1980.The Semiotics of Theatre and Drama.New Accents Ser. Londinii et Novi9 Eboraci: Methuen.ISBN 0-416-72060-9.
  • Fergusson, Francis.1949.The Idea of a Theater: A Study of Ten Plays, The Art of Drama in a Changing Perspective.Princetoniae Novae Caesareae: Princeton University Press, 1968.ISBN 0-691-01288-1.
  • Goldhill, Simon.1997."The Audience of Athenian Tragedy." In Easterling 1997c: 54–68.
  • Gordon, Mel.1983.Lazzi: The Comic Routines of the Commedia dell'Arte.Novi Eboraci Performing Arts Journal Publications.ISBN 0-933826-69-9.
  • Harsh, Philip Whaley.1944.A Handbook of Classical Drama.Stanford: Stanford University Press; Oxoniae: Oxford University Press.
  • Johnstone, Keith.1981.Impro: Improvisation and the TheatreEd. retractata. Londinii: Methuen, 2007.ISBN 0-7136-8701-0.
  • Ley, Graham.2006.A Short Introduction to the Ancient Greek Theater.Ed. retractata. Sicagi et Londinii: University of Chicago Press.ISBN 0-226-47761-4.
  • Ley, Graham.2007.The Theatricality of Greek Tragedy: Playing Space and Chorus.Sicagi et Londinii: University of Chicago Press.ISBN 0-226-47757-6.
  • Pfister, Manfred.1977.The Theory and Analysis of Drama.Conv. John Halliday. European Studies in English Literature Ser. Cantabrigiae: Cambridge University Press, 1988.ISBN 0-521-42383-X.
  • Rehm, Rush.1992.Greek Tragic Theatre.Theatre Production Studies ser. Londinii et Novi Eboraci: Routledge.ISBN 0-415-11894-8.
  • Richmond, Farley.1998."India." In Banham 1998:516–525.
  • Richmond, Farley P., Darius L. Swann, et Phillip B. Zarrilli, eds.1993.Indian Theatre: Traditions of Performance.University of Hawaii Press.ISBN 978-0-8248-1322-2.
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  • Weimann, Robert.1978.Shakespeare and the Popular Tradition in the Theater: Studies in the Social Dimension of Dramatic Form and Function.Baltimorae et Londinii: The Johns Hopkins University Press.ISBN 0-8018-3506-2.
  • Weimann, Robert.2000.Author's Pen and Actor's Voice: Playing and Writing in Shakespeare's Theatre.Ed. Helen Higbee and William West. Cambridge Studies in Renaissance Literature and Culture. Cantabrigiae: Cambridge University Press.ISBN 0-521-78735-1.
Lege deHistory of Western Theatre: Greeks to ElizabethansinVicilibris.
Lege deHistory of Western Theatre: 17th Century to NowinVicilibris.