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CompagesossiumLoxondontae africanae.

Treselephantidarumspecieshodie vivunt:Elephas maximus,Loxodonta cyclotis,etLoxodonta africana.Omnes aliaespeciesetgeneraelephantidarum suntexstincta,aliqua post ultimamaetatem glacialem:mammuthinani fortasse usque ad2000 a.C.n.exstabant.[1]Omnes elephantidae cum aliisanimalibusquaecutemcrassum habent olim in ordinePachydermatisnumerabantur, nunc autem invalido.

Maximaanimaliamammiferaterrestria sunt elephanti. Maximus elephas de quo scimus inAngoliasclopetatus est anno1974;circa 12 000chiliogrammatapondere fuit.

  1. S. L. Vartanyan, V. E. Garutt†, et A. V. Sher, "Holocene dwarf mammoths from Wrangel Island in the Siberian Arctic,"Nature362, 337–340 (25 Martii 1993)Nature.

Nexus interni

  • Debruyne, R., V. Barriel, et P. Tassy.2003."Mitochondrial cytochrome b of the lyakhov mammoth (proboscidea, mammalia): New data and phylogenetic analyses of elephantidae."Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution26 (3): 421–434.
  • Moss, Cynthia.1988.Elephant Memories.Novi Eboraci: William Morrow and Company.ISBN 0-688-05348-3.
  • Saxe, John Godfrey."The Blindmen and the Elephant."
  • Williams, Heathcote.1989.Sacred Elephant.Novi Eboraci: Harmony Books.ISBN 0-517-57320-2.
  • Wilson, Don E., et DeeAnn M. Reeder, eds.Mammal Species of the World.Ed. tertia. Baltimorae: Johns Hopkins University Press. 2 voll.ISBN 978-0-8018-8221-0.
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