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Fichier:Flag of Chicago, Illinois.svg

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Original-Fichier(SVG-Fichier, Basisgréisst: 720 × 480 Pixel, Gréisst vum Fichier: 610 Byten)

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Deitsch:Faahne vunChicago
Quell according toen:User:John Reid's (or T. E. Whalen's) construction sheet (en:Talk:Municipal Flag of Chicago)
Auteur cs:User:-xfi-
(Dëse Fichier nach eng Kéier benotzen)
Insignia Dieses Werk stellt eineFlagge,einWappen,einSiegeloder ein anderes offiziellesInsignedar. Die Verwendung solcher Symbole ist in manchen Ländern beschränkt. Diese Beschränkungen sind unabhängig von dem hier beschriebenenUrheberrechtsstatus.
Aner Versiounen en:Image:Chicago-whalen.png


This work is in thepublic domainin the U.S.because it is created by a legislative or judicial officer of a U.S. state or local government in the course of their legislative or judicial duties. See §313.6(C)(2)of Compendium of U.S. Copyright Office Practices. Such works, known as "edicts of government",include:
  • Legislative enactments, judicial decisions, administrative rulings, public ordinances, or similar types of official legal materials.
  • Explanatory, procedural, or other non-binding materials created in the discharge of legislative or judicial duties, even when they do not carry the force of law.


Setzt eng Erklärung an enger Zeil derbäi, wat dëse Fichier duerstellt
The Flag of Chicago, Illinois, USA

In dieser Datei abgebildete Objekte





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Versioun vumMiniaturbildDimensiounenBenotzerBemierkung
aktuell16:18, 26. Jun. 2023Miniaturbild fir d'Versioun vum 16:18, 26. Jun. 2023720 × 480(610 Byten)HapHaxionupdate color shades per Chicago design guidelines (https://design.chicago.gov/basics/) // Editing SVG source code usingc:User:Rillke/SVGedit.js
02:34, 12. Feb. 2014Miniaturbild fir d'Versioun vum 02:34, 12. Feb. 2014720 × 480(613 Byten)EclecticArkiesvg code reduction without a viewBox tag
12:48, 11. Feb. 2014Miniaturbild fir d'Versioun vum 12:48, 11. Feb. 2014720 × 480(1 KB)HueSatLumReverted to version as of 19:22, 14 July 2006 Until the misshapen stars can be fixed
02:39, 11. Feb. 2014Miniaturbild fir d'Versioun vum 02:39, 11. Feb. 2014720 × 480(735 Byten)EclecticArkiesvg code reduction
19:22, 14. Jul. 2006Miniaturbild fir d'Versioun vum 19:22, 14. Jul. 2006720 × 480(1 KB)-xfi-
16:18, 3. Jul. 2006Miniaturbild fir d'Versioun vum 16:18, 3. Jul. 2006450 × 300(3 KB)MindfriezeReset background color to white.
16:02, 3. Jul. 2006Miniaturbild fir d'Versioun vum 16:02, 3. Jul. 2006450 × 300(3 KB)MindfriezeI updated the flag's colors and proportions slightly using Adobe Illustrator CS2. I made the blue bars 1/6th of total height and positioned "a little less than one-sixth" from the top "according to the Chicago Municipal Code 1-8-30. Overall for the whit
01:02, 16. Jan. 2006Miniaturbild fir d'Versioun vum 01:02, 16. Jan. 2006450 × 300(4 KB)Zscout370The flag was drawn by me according to http://www.crwflags.com/fotw/flags/us-il-ch.html.

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