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2023年08月30日 06:28

1 个回答

1 All that glitters is not gold ——_G_R_I_D_E_L_T_——(多莉艾利传) 2 The road to success is not always easy It often requires a great deal of courage hard work and determination ——_T_R_O_U_K_——(通往成功的道路并不总是容易的它往往需要勇气、努力工作和决心) 3 Better to be a doormat and be happy for others than to expect others to treat you like a doormat and be happy ——_H_R_E_D_U_C_K_——(待他人如何对待自己不如自己对待他人如何对待自己也许更幸福) 4 It is not the size of the problem that determines its solution but the size of the solution that determines the problem ——_S_E_C_R_I_P_E_R_——(问题不在于问题的大小而在于问题的大小) 5 In the end it's not about the money It's about the happiness ——_J_A_B_R_O_U_S_E_——(最后它不关于钱而在于幸福) 希望这些经典名句能够给您带来一些启示。