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Wikimania organization summaries:Comparative20052006200720082009201020112012201320142015201620172018201920202021202220232024202520262027

Wikimania 2005was held inFrankfurt am Mainfrom 4-8 August 2005.



General information:

  • Official wiki:wikimania2005.wikimedia.org
  • Location:Haus der Jugend, a youth hostel with conference rooms and on-site dorms in Frankfurt am Main (Wikimania 2005 city)[1]
  • Attendance:380[2],Wikimania 2005 participants
  • Number of attendee countries:over 50 countries[3]
  • Conference languages:primarily English, German. The official languages of the conference include English, German, and French[4].
  • Cost to attend:
  • Accommodation:on-site at the Haus der Jugend (total beds 434)


  • Keynote speakers:Jimmy Wales, Ward Cunningham, Richard Stallman, Ross Mayfield (Wikimania 2005:Speakers)
  • Program information:Researchers and speakers presented studies and experiments onWikipediaand other projects operated by the Wikimedia Foundation, on wiki culture and technology, and on the world of free knowledge. The program included presentations, workshops, and tutorials to give an overview of the current state of research on wikis and free knowledge projects.Programme
  • Link to CfP:Wikimania 2005 Call for Papers
  • Link to program proceedings:Working page for the proceedings of Wikimania 2005,Page on commons with links to slides
  • Session videos:
  • Pre- and post- conferences:A separatehacking dayssession for MediaWiki software developers and Wikimedia hardware maintainers was held on July 31-August 3[5]
  • WMF organizational meetings, special meetings:WMF Board panel, open to all conference attendees
  • Themes:no.
  • Types of submissions:Paper/Presentation, Short presentation, Poster, Workshop, Tutorial.
  • Parallel sessions:4-5
  • Program committee:



  • Lead organizers(note!- this is from memory, please add to and/or correct if necessary):Elian,Arne,Delphine-- local general organizers;Angela,Erik,sj,Jakob,Patrick,(others?) -- program;Austin,JamesF-- network, registration; many others, seeWikimania 2005 organisers
  • Planning wiki:mostly onmeta
  • Program/registration software used:big pieces of paper on the floor for the program; in-house software written by Austin (?) for registration
  • Bid page::Bids

Budget and funding:

  • Total budget:
  • Scholarship budget:
  • Total scholarships awarded:
  • Link to budget breakdown:
  • Funds from the WMF:
  • Sponsors:Answers, Socialtext Incorporated, DocCheck. Sun Microsystems sponsors the big Wikimania party on Saturday. Media partners: German Library Association and Linux New Media AG.List of the sponsors.




Wikimania 2005 banner

