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Georges Ier de Grèce

Avy amin'i Wikipedia
Georges Ier de Grèce
Anarana Georges Ier de Grèce
Teraka 24 Desambra 1845
Maty 18 Martsa 1913
Fiaviana sy ny andraikitra
Fiainana manokana

Georges Ier de Grècedia mpanao politika teraka ny 24 Desambra 1845 taoKaopenagyary maty ny 18 Martsa 1913

Ny fiainany manokana

[hanova|hanova ny fango]

I Christian IX of Denmark no rainy. Ny vadiny dia Olga Constantinovna of Russia. Ny zanany dia Constantine I of Greece, Prince George of Greece and Denmark, Grand Duchess Alexandra Georgievna of Russia, Prince Nicholas of Greece and Denmark, Princess Maria of Greece and Denmark, Prince Andrew of Greece and Denmark, Prince Christopher of Greece and Denmark. Ny rahalahiny sy/na ny rahavaviny dia Alexandra of Denmark, Maria Feodorovna, Princess Thyra of Denmark, Frederick VIII of Denmark, Prince Valdemar of Denmark.

Rohy ivelany

[hanova|hanova ny fango]
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