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Transformers: Dark of the Moon

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Transformers: Dark of the Moon
Poster keluaran untuk pawagam
PengarahMichael Bay
PenulisEhren Kruger
Dihasilkan olehDon Murphy
Tom DeSanto
Lorenzo di Bonaventura
Ian Bryce
DibintangiShia LaBeouf
Josh Duhamel
John Turturro
Tyrese Gibson
Rosie Huntington-Whiteley
Patrick Dempsey
Kevin Dunn
Julie White
John Malkovich
Frances McDormand
SinematografiAmir Mokri
Disunting olehRoger Barton
William Goldenberg
Joel Negron
Muzik olehSteve Jablonsky
Diedarkan olehParamount Pictures
Tarikh tayangan
  • 23 Jun 2011(2011-06-23)(MIFF[1])
  • 29 Jun 2011(2011-06-29)(Amerika Syarikat/Kanada[2][3])
Masa tayangan
154 minit[4]
NegaraAmerika Syarikat
Bajet$195 juta[5][6]
Pecah panggung$1.124 billion[6]

Transformers: Dark of the Moon(juga dikenali sebagaiTransformers 3) ialah sebuahfilem cereka sains-Aksi2011 Amerika. Ia merupakan filem ketigaaksi langsungsiri filemTransformers,arahanMichael Baydan terbitanSteven Spielberg.Ia adalahSekuelkepadaTransformersdanTransformers: Revenge of the Fallendan ditayangkan pada 29 Jun, 2011.[2][3]Filem ditayangkan dalam format 2D biasa,Real D 3DdanIMAX 3D,[7]featuringDolby Surround 7.1sound.[8]

Shia LaBeouf,Josh Duhamel,Tyrese Gibson dan John Turturro memainkan semula watak bintangan mereka, bersama kepulangan Peter Cullen sebagai suaraOptimus PrimedanHugo Weavingsebagai suara Megatron. Ehren Kruger, yang bekerjasama dalam penulisan filem dahulu, sekali lagi terlibat dalam penulisan filem. Walaupun pada mulanya telah disahkan untuk filem itu,[9]dan dengan filem itu sudah memasuki fotografi utama, telah diumumkan bahawaMegan Foxtidak akan mengulangi peranannya dari dua filem sebelumnya. Dengan watak Fox (Mikaela Banes) digugurkan, Sam telah diberikan minat cinta baharu, yang dilakonkan oleh model InggerisRosie Huntington-Whiteley.Selain itu,Roberto OrcidanAlex Kurtzman,setelah menulis dua filem terakhir, tidak kembali untuk ansuran ini dalam siri ini,[10]yang Orci agak menjangkakan sebelum ini, takut pasangan itu akan "berisiko menjadi basi".[11]Bay telah menyatakan bahawa ini akan menjadi ansuran terakhirnya dalam siri ini.[12]Pada Mei 2011, telah diumumkan bahawaParamount Picturestelah menemuiTransformers: Dark of the Moon,dua hari lebih awal, 29 Jun, untuk menerima respons awal terhadap rakaman.[13][14]Filem itu kemudiannya dikeluarkan sehari lebih awal, 28 Jun, dalam teater 3D danIMAXterpilih, di seluruh negara.[15][16]Filem ini pada masa ini berdiri sebagai filem dengan kutipan tertinggi ke-42 sepanjang zaman.

Pada 1961, kapal angkasaCybertron,Ark,yang membawa ciptaan yang mampu menamatkan perang antara Autobots dan Decepticons, terhempas di sebelah jauhBulan.Hempasan ini dikesan dari Bumi olehNASA,lalu PresidenJohn F. Kennedymembenarkan misi untuk meletakkan seorang lelaki di bulan sebagai penutup untuk menyiasat kraf itu. Pada 1969, kru kapal angkasaApollo 11mendarat di permukaan Bulan untuk meneroka kraf.

Pada masa sekarang, the Autobots membantu tentera Amerika Syarikat dalam mengelakkan konflik serata dunia. Semasa misi keChernobyluntuk menyiasat teknologi Alien yang disyaki,Optimus Primemenemui sel bahan api dari Tabut, mendapati ia telah terselamat dalam perjalanannya dari Cybertron. The Autobots diserangShockwaveyang mampu melarikan diri. Selepas mengetahui misi rahsia ke bulan, Autobots mengembara ke sana untuk meneroka Tabut. Di sana mereka mendapati komaSentinel Prime– bekas ketua Autobot – dan ciptaannya, The Pillars, satu cara untuk menubuhkan Space Bridge antara dua titik tempat untuk memindahkan jisim teleport matter. Selepas kembali ke Bumi, Optimus menggunakan tenaga Matriks Kepimpinannya untuk menghidupkan semula Sentinel Prime.

Sementara itu,Sam Witwickykecewa kerana dia tidak dapat bekerja dengan Autobots dan gagal mendapatkan pekerjaan. Dia juga menjadi iri hati dengan hubungan rapat antara teman wanita barunya, Carly Spencer, dan bosnya Dylan Gould. Selepas mencari kerja, Sam diberikan maklumat oleh rakan sekerjanya Jerry Wang tentang Ark sebelum dia dibunuh olehLaserbeak- Decepticon seperti kondor. Sam menghubungi Seymour Simmons yang kini telah bersara, dan bersama-sama mereka menyedari bahawaMegatrondan Decepticons sedang membunuh orang yang berkaitan dengan misi angkasa Amerika dan Rusia ke Tabut. Mereka mencari dua angkasawan Rusia yang masih hidup yang mendedahkan gambar satelit ratusan Tiang sedang ditimbun di bulan. Sam menyedari bahawa Decepticons menyerbu Tabut lama sebelum misi Autobots dan sengaja meninggalkan Sentinel dan lima Pilar di belakang untuk memikat Autobots ke dalam perangkap - Sentinel menjadi kunci untuk mengaktifkan Pillars dan Decepticons tidak mempunyai cara untuk memulihkannya. Autobots bergegas untuk mengembalikan Sentinel ke pangkalan mereka untuk perlindungan tetapi Sentinel mengkhianati mereka dan membunuhIronhide,mendedahkan dia telah membuat perjanjian dengan Decepticons untuk memastikan kelangsungan bangsa Cybertronian.

Sentinel menggunakan Pillars untuk mengangkut ratusan Decepticons yang tersembunyi dari bulan ke Bumi dan Carly ditangkap oleh Gould, yang didedahkan berada dalam perkhidmatan Decepticons. Autobots diasingkan dari Bumi atas permintaan Decepticons untuk mengelakkan peperangan tetapi apabila kapal mereka meninggalkan Bumi ia dimusnahkan oleh Starscream, seolah-olah membunuh Autobots. The Decepticons, diketuai oleh Megatron dan Sentinel, merampas Chicago sebagai ejen mereka menempatkan Pillars di seluruh dunia. Gould mendedahkan kepada Carly bahawa Decepticons merancang untuk mengangkut dunia asal mereka Cybertron ke Bima Sakti untuk menggunakan sumber dan memperhambakan manusia Bumi untuk membina semula dunia mereka. Sam berpasukan dengan Robert Epps untuk pergi ke Chicago dan menyelamatkan Carly, tetapi mereka hampir dibunuh oleh pasukan Decepticon sebelum Autobots campur tangan; mendedahkan mereka menyembunyikan diri semasa pelancaran kapal mereka untuk meyakinkan Decepticons bahawa mereka telah dimusnahkan.

Bekerjasama, Autobots dan askar manusia berjaya menyelamatkan Carly dan memusnahkanSoundwave,Baricade,StarscreamdanShockwavedengan Optimus menggunakan meriam lengan Shockwave untuk meletupkan Tiang Kawalan, melumpuhkan Jambatan Angkasa. Sam berhadapan dengan Gould semasa dia mengaktifkan semula Tiang Kawalan. Sam mengetuk Gould ke dalam Pilar, menyebabkan dia terkena elektrik. Bumblebee dan Ratchet tiba dan memusnahkan Tiang Kawalan, melumpuhkan Jambatan secara kekal dan menyebabkan Cybertron yang diangkut sebahagiannya meletup. Optimus dan Sentinel bertarung manakala Carly meyakinkan Megatron bahawa dia akan digantikan sebagai ketua Decepticons oleh Sentinel. Sentinel memutuskan lengan kanan Optimus dan bersedia untuk melaksanakannya apabila Megatron campur tangan, melumpuhkan Sentinel. Optimus menyerang Megatron, memenggal kepala dan membunuhnya. Sentinel merayu untuk hidupnya tetapi Optimus menghukumnya. Dengan kekalahan Decepticons, Carly dan Sam disatukan semula dan Autobots menerima bahawa dengan tiadanya Cybertron, Bumi kini menjadi rumah mereka.

Senarai Pelakon

[sunting|sunting sumber]

As a preemptive measure, Michael Lucchi and Paramount announced a July 1, 2011 release date inIMAX3-Dfor anotherTransformersfilm before completion ofRevenge of the Fallen.DirectorMichael Bayresponded, "I said I was taking off a year fromTransformers.Paramount made a mistake in datingTransformers 3—they asked me on the phone—I said yes to July 1—but for 2012—whoops! Not 2011! That would mean I would have to start prep in September. No way. My brain needs a break from fighting robots. "[17]

On October 1, 2009, Bay revealed thatTransformers: Dark of the Moonhad already gone into pre-production, and its planned release was back to its originally intended date of July 1, 2011, rather than 2012.[9]Filming started in May 2010, with shooting locations including Chicago, Florida, and Moscow.[18][19]Due to the revived interest in3-Dtechnology brought in by the success ofAvatar,[20]talks between Paramount,Industrial Light & Magicand Bay had considered the possibility of the next Transformers film being filmed in 3-D. Testing has been performed in bringing the technology into Bay's work.[21]Bay was reluctant to film with 3-D cameras since in test he'd found them to be too cumbersome for his filming style, but he didn't want to implement the technology in post production either since he was not pleased with the results.[22]

According to various published sources,Megan Fox's absence from the film was due to Bay ultimately choosing not to renew her role in light of her comparing him and his work ethics toAdolf Hitler,[23][24]although representatives for the actress said that it was her decision to leave the film franchise.[25]Bay later revealed that Fox's comments comparing him to Hitler particularly angered executive producerSteven Spielberg,which affected Bay's decision to remove her.[26]"I wasn't hurt," Bay stated, "because I know that's just Megan. Megan loves to get a response. And she does it in kind of the wrong way. I'm sorry, Megan. I'm sorry I made you work twelve hours. I'm sorry that I'm making you show up on time. Movies are not always warm and fuzzy."[26]With Fox not reprising her role,Rosie Huntington-Whiteleywas chosen to play Sam's new love interest.Ramón Rodríguezwas initially planned to be in the film, in a role bigger than the one he had inRevenge of the Fallen,but he was dropped during early production.[27]

In a hidden extra for the Blu-ray version ofRevenge of the Fallen,Bay expressed his intention to makeTransformers 3not necessarily larger thanRevenge of the Fallen,but instead go deeper into the mythos, give it more character development, and make it darker and more emotional.[28]Shortly after the release ofRevenge of the Fallen,Orci said he would like to introduceUnicron"for scale's sake",[29]and Unicron is briefly shown in a secretTransformers 3preview feature in theRevenge of the FallenBlu-ray disc. Ultimately the producers decided to forgo a plot involving the planet eating transformer, and no further comments are ever made on the subject.[28]Having been calledTransformers 3up to that point, the film's final title was revealed to beDark of the Moonin October 2010.[30]

On March 19, 2010, the script was said to be finished,[31]and pre-shoots began on April 7, 2010 inNorthwest Indiana,specifically aroundGary,which portrayedUkraine,andLos Angeles.[32][33]Filming began on May 18. The first six weeks took place in Los Angeles, locations includedSherman Oaks,Fourth Avenue and 5. Main. The next four weeks were spent inChicago.Locations filmed in Chicago includedLaSalle Street,Michigan Avenue,Bacino's of Lincoln Park at 2204 North Lincoln Avenue and around the "Sears Tower".[34]The scenes set in Michigan Ave featured a substantial amount of pyrotechnics and stunt work.[35]Filming inDetroitwas planned to take place in August but the Chicago shoot was extended until 1 September.[36]In late September the production moved to Florida, just before the launch ofSpace ShuttlemissionSTS-133.[37]

Actors on aTransformers: Dark of the Moonset in July 2010

While filming in Washington, the crew shot on theNational Mall,Bay stated that there would be a car race on the location. Two further locations announced were theMilwaukee Art Museumand the formerTower Automotivecomplex onMilwaukee's north side, currently under redevelopment for mixed use as well as the city's equipment yard. Filming was scheduled to take place there after work was done in Chicago.[38]On September 23, filming was done at the former city hall in Detroit, MI. On October 16, work was done at theJohnson Space CenterinTexaswith intent to shoot a scene set in the late 1960s utilizing extras with period fashion and hairstyles.[39]One day of shooting was also done at theAngkor Wattemple complex inCambodia.[40]Other planned filming locations includedAfrica,Moscow,andChina.[41]About 70 percent[42]of the film was shot in 3-D, usingArri Alexaand Sony F35 cameras,[43]while other footage was shot in theanamorphic formaton35mm filmand converted into 3D in post production.[42]35mm film was used for scenes filmed inslow motion,and scenes which required higher image quality than theHD digital3D cameras could provide, such as closeups of faces or shots of the sky.[42]35mm cameras were also used for scenes where the 3D cameras proved to be too heavy, or were subject tostrobingor electrical damage from dust.[42]Filming was officially completed on November 9, 2010.[44]

As with the2007 film,in which Bay recycled footage from his earlier filmPearl Harbor,[45]Dark of the Moonhas been found to contain footage from the Bay'sThe Island.[46]Dark of the Mooncost a reported $195 million to produce, with the cost of the 3D filming accounting for $30 million of the budget.[5]

Pengfileman ditangguhkan sementara pada 2 September, 2010 diHammond, Indiana,apabila seorang pelakon tambahan cedera parah semasa during a stunt. Kemalangan berlaku apabila sebuah tali keluli terputus dari kereta yang sedang ditunda, akibat kimpalan yang gagal, mengena kereta pelakon tambahan lalu merosakkan tengkoraknya. Pelakon tambahan, dikenali sebagai Gabriella Cedillo, terpaksa menjalani pembedahan otak.[47]Kecederaan itu has left her permanently brain-damaged, lumpuh sebelah kiri dan mata kirinya dijahit tutup.[48][49]Paramount mengambil tanggungjawab terhadap kemalangan itu, lalu menanggung segala kos perubatan Cedillo.[50]Nevertheless, pada 5 Oktober, keluarga Cedillo filed a lawsuit, which cites seven counts of negligence terhadap Paramount, D.W. Studios dan pelbagai lagi pembela (tidak termasuk Bay), dengan jumlah tuntutan pampasan melebihi $350,000.[51]

Pada 11 Oktober, 2010, while filming a chase scene at 3rd Street and Maryland Avenue, SW, a Washington DC Metropolitan Police K9 Unit SUV melanggar Camaro that portrays Bumblebee in the film. Kawasan telah ditutup polis DC, dan ia tidak jelas mengapa SUV itu berada disana. Kedua-dua pemandu tidak tercedera,[52][53]namun kereta Camaro itu rosak teruk.[54]

Most of the characters returned forHasbro's new toyline, which came out on May 16, 2011.[55][56]In October 2010,Entertainment Tonightpreviewed the behind-the-scenes filming in Chicago.[57]Following that, the official film website was changed with the logo and the release date under it.[perlu rujukan]A two-minute teaser trailer was announced on November 27,[58]and was posted to the web on December 9, 2010.[59]A thirty-second television advertisement for the film aired duringSuper Bowl XLVonFOXon February 6, 2011.[perlu rujukan]The first full theatrical trailer was released on April 28, 2011.[60]A 3D trailer was released on May 20, 2011 with the release ofPirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides3D, which would complete the promotional campaign forDark of the Moon.[61]The very first clip was released on May 18.[62]A second clip was released the next day on May 19.[63]The promotional costs brought the cost of producing and marketing the film to a total of $270 million.[64]

Runut bunyi

[sunting|sunting sumber]

The album was released on 14 Jun, 2011. LaguLinkin Parkberjudul "Iridescent"is the lead single for the film, continuing the streak of the band's songs as the theme songs of the film series. The single follows"What I've Done"being used in the 2007 film, dan"New Divide"bagi filem 2009. Video muzik bagi" Iridescent "diarahkanJoe Hahn.[65]Two other singles were released specifically for the soundtrack, "Monster"byParamore[66]and "All That You Are"by theGoo Goo Dolls.Several other unreleased songs make their debut on the album, including "The Pessimist" byStone Sourand "The Bottom" byStaind.[67]

Runut bunyi skor telah dikeluarkan pada 24 Jun, 2011, lima hari sebelum penayangan filem bermula.[68]Seperti dua runut bunyi skor filemTransformersterdahulu,Steve Jablonskyadalah komposer.

In May 2011, the novelization, junior novel and graphic novel ofTransformers: Dark of the Moonwere released. Both the novel and the graphic novel featured Skids and Mudflap as supporting characters, but they were missing from the junior novel. The graphic novel made reference to several Autobots from the IDW tie-in comics who died in the stories betweenRevenge of the FallenandDark of the Moon.[69]

Mainan video

[sunting|sunting sumber]

Activisiondeveloped a video game for theXbox 360,PlayStation 3,Wii,Nintendo DSandNintendo 3DS.[70]The trailer for theDark of the Moonvideo game was released in February 2011.[71]The Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 versions of the game were developed byHigh Moon Studios,who had previously developedTransformers: War for Cybertron.Behaviour Interactivedeveloped the Wii, Nintendo DS and Nintendo 3DS versions of the game. The game was released in North America on June 14, 2011.


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Transformers: Dark of the Moonpremiered at theMoscow International Film Festivalon June 23, 2011. Linkin Park performed a special outdoor concert inRed Squarein Moscow on the same night in celebration of the event.[1]Initially scheduled to be released on July 1, 2011, the release was brought forward to June 28, 2011.[3]Originally set to be released in both conventional andIMAXtheaters, it was announced in November 2010 that noIMAX3D shots were made for the film.[72]

Sambutan kritik

[sunting|sunting sumber]

The film has received generally negative reviews from film critics, with many praising the film's visual effects and 3D action sequences, but criticizing the below average acting and script; film review aggregatorRotten TomatoesgaveDark of the Moona score of 36% based on 224 reviews and a rating average of 4.8/10, saying "Its special effects — and 3D shots — are undeniably impressive, but they aren't enough to fill up its loud, bloated running time, or mask its thin, indifferent script."[73]

Roger Ebertgave the film one out of four stars, calling it "a visually ugly film with an incoherent plot, wooden characters and inane dialog. It provided me with one of the more unpleasant experiences I've had at the movies."[74]Richard Roeperlikewise panned the film, giving it a D and saying that "rarely has a movie had less of a soul and less interesting characters."[75]

Several critics were highly critical of the ineffectiveness of the film's two young stars.Peter Traversstated the two "couldn't be duller."[76]The Philadelphia Inquirerstated that Shia LaBeouf "plays Witwicky as if he had a ferocious case of attention deficit disorder. After two films, his fidgeting isn't cute anymore."[77]James Berardinellisaid that LaBeouf "has sunk to greater levels of incompetence here. It's hard to call his posturing and screaming 'acting.'"[78]Much of the criticism towards Rosie Huntington-Whiteley compared her in an unfavorable light to Megan Fox.Lou Lumenicksaid that her "'acting' makes...Megan Fox look likeMeryl Streepin comparison. "[79]Baz Bamigboyegave his review of the film the title 'Come back Megan Fox, all is forgiven...'.[80]

In a more positive review,Ain't It Cool Newscalled it "the best entry in the Michael Bay-directed franchise."[81]IGNgave the film a 7 out of 10, also stating that it was the best of the franchise.[82]E! Onlinegraded the film a B+ while noting if this is truly the end of a trilogy, its main antagonists should have played more of a part.[83]Website Daily Bhaskar also praised the film, rating it 3 and a half out of five stars, citing it as an improvement to the previous film and how it 'gives fans something to cheer about'.[84]CinemaScorepolls reported that the average grade moviegoers gave the film was an A on an A plus to F scale.[85]

Neil Schneider of Meant to be Seen, a website focused on stereoscopic 3D gaming and entertainment, remarked that "whileTransformers: Dark of the Moonhad the scrapings of a really good story, this 3D movie was shot with a 2D script. "On the topic of 3D, Schneider said"Transformers 3was a mix of native stereoscopic 3D camera capturing and 2D/3D conversion (as a 3D tool), and most was done very well. "He added," At a minimum,Transformers 3demonstrates that fast cutting sequences are indeed possible and practical in stereoscopic 3D. More than that, it was a comfortable experience and helped exemplify great use of stereoscopic 3D with live action and digital characters. That said, I think they still could have taken it much further. "[86]

Charlie Jane Andersofio9.combelieved that some elements of the film were deliberate self-references to Michael Bay's own sense of under-appreciation after the backlash toTransformers 2."After a few hours of seeing Shia get dissed, overlooked and mistreated, the message becomes clear: Shia, as always, is a stand-in for Michael Bay. And Bay is showing us just what it felt like to deal with the ocean of Haterade — the snarking, the Razzie Award, the mean reviews — that Revenge of the Fallen unleashed." She went on to say that the film's frequent, often jarring shifts in tone were an intentional endorsement of Michael Bay's own filmmaking style. "Tone is for single-purpose machines. Consistency is for Decepticons. Michael Bay's ideal movie shifts from action movie to teen comedy to political drama with the same well-lubricated ease that his cars become men. By the time you've finished watching, you will speak Michael Bay's cinematic language."[87]

Transformers: Dark of the Moonhas earned $281.5 million inNorth America,setakat Julai 14, 2011,and $423.9 million in other territories, setakat Julai 14, 2011,for a worldwide total of $705.4 million.[88][89]On its first weekend worldwide it made $382.4 million, marking the second-largest opening of all time behind that ofHarry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince($394.0 million) and the largest forParamount/Dreamworks.[90]With another breaking record, it made the largest worldwide debut atIMAXvenues, with $23.2 million.[91]With $418.0 million by Monday, it crossed the $400-million-mark worldwide in 6 days, matching the record first set bySpider-Man 3to reach the amount the fastest.[92]With $511.1 million ($214.0 million in North America and $297.1 million in other territories), it reached the $500-million-mark worldwide in record time, 9 days, surpassing the previous record of 10 days which was held byPirates of the Caribbean: At World's EndandPirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides.[93]

In theUnited StatesandCanada,from its early Tuesday screenings (9:00 p.m. showings),Dark of the Moonbrought in $5.5 million. It also earned $8 million in midnight showings, which is lower than what its predecessor made ($16 million).[94]On its opening day (Wednesday),Dark of the Moongrossed $37.7 million (including $8 million from Tuesday-midnight showings), making it the best opening-day gross of 2011 and the sixth best Wednesday opening day of all time.[95]But it's still behindRevenge of the Fallenwhich grossed $62 million on its opening day.[96]On Thursday it earned $21.5 million, falling only 43 percent which is a better hold than its predecessor's Wednesday-to-Thursday decline and also marking the fifth-largest non-opening Thursday of all time[97]as well as the tenth largest Thursday gross of all time.[98]Transformers: Dark of the Moonwas able to rake in $33.0 million on Friday for a total of $97.8 million while 2009'sRevenge of the Fallenmade $36.7 million on its first Friday for a total of $127.8 million. Opening at a record 2,789 3D locations, Dark of the Moon's 3D share accounted for 60 percent of its gross, which is atypical due to the downturn in 3D attendance in North America. For its 3-day opening weekend, it grossed $97.9 million,[99]marking the largest opening weekend of 2011,[100]the largest Independence day weekend, out-grossingSpider-Man 2's$88.2 million gross,[101]and the third-largest opening weekend in July.[102]It also scored the fifth-largest opening weekend for a film not opening on Friday[103]and the second-largest 5-day gross for a film opening on Wednesday.[89]During the 4-day weekend it grossed $115.9 million, surpassingSpider-Man 2's$115.8 million 4-day gross, which was the previous record for the Independence day holiday. The film held on to the #1 spot for its second weekend, dropping 51.9%, in these territories and grossed $47.1 million.[104]

Overseas, the film grossed $32.5 million on its opening day, pacing 38 percent ahead of its predecessor and marking the largest opening day for a 2011 film (out-grossing the $18.5 million record set byPirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides). Including some early Tuesday previews, it earned $36.6 million in one-and-a-half days.[105]By Thursday, its overseas total reached $66 million,[106]a two-day-opening record for 2011 (ahead of the $44.2 million two-day total ofPirates 4).[107]However, it fell short of the latter by the end of its first weekend, earning $219.8 million, which was still the fourth-largest opening weekend of all time overseas and the largest forParamount.[108]Also,Dark of the Moon'sforeign launch was 57 percent ahead of that ofRevenge of the Fallen($139.6 million) and its 3D revenues performed much better in all 58 markets where 70 percent of the grosses came from 3D which was a higher 3D share thanPirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides's66 percent.[109]Don Harris, general manager of distribution for Paramount, commented on the results ofDark of the Moonsaying "If we hadn't chosen to debut the movie later in Japan and China, we probably would have had the all-time record."[110]On its second weekend overseas, it fell to $94.7 million, still at first place though at the box office.[111]

InRussia,it broke the record for the highest-grossing opening day of all time, with $5.0 million, surpassingOn Stranger Tides'sprevious record ($4.7 million). It brought in $16,945,064 during its first weekend ($21,965,793 with previews), marking the fourth highest-grossing opening weekend of all time.[112]InSouth Korea,it earned $5 million, where it was the largest opening day of all time.[105]On its opening weekend, it grossed a massive $21.8 million ($31.1 million with weekday preiews), marking the highest-grossing opening weekend of all time, a record previously held byPirates of the Caribbean: At World's End($16.7 million).[113]It also made the biggest opening weekend of all time in six other countries topped byHong Kongand followed byMalaysia,Philippines,Thailand,SingaporeandPeru.It also performed well in other regions, including theUnited Kingdom($17.2 million),Australia($16.2 million),France($11.3 million),Mexico($10.5 million) andTaiwan($10.5 million).[109]InChile,it grossed $1,429,074 on its firts weekend, marking the second-largest opening weekend closely behindPirates 4's$1,448,284 debut. InGermanyit opened at $13,169,446 ($15,087,829 with previews), surpassing the openings of both its predecessors.[114]In Hong Kong, it earned a record-breaking $5,060,905 during its opening, by far the largest of all time. In Malaysia, it scored $4,928,400 which is the largest opening of all time. InMexico,it earned $10,197,801 ($10,740,922 with weekday previews), marking the largest opening of 2011 and the fifth largest of all time.[115]InNew Zealand,it marked the largest opening for 2011 and the fourth largest opening of all time, by earning $1,763,653 ($2,114,698 with previews).[116]InPhilippines,it earned $4,869,897 ($4,886,654 with previews), marking the largest opening weekend of all time. InSingaporeit made $3,508,095 ($4,120,240 with weekday previews) standing as the highest-grossing opening of all time. InSlovakia,it scored the largest debut of 2011 ($259,628).[117]In theUAE,it made the second-largest opening weekend of all time ($1,775,824) behindOn Stranger Tides($1,861,696).[118]InThailand,it broke the opening weekend record, with $3,705,108 ($4,648,771 with previews) during the busiest weekend ever in the country in terms of total gross ($3,871,234). It was the first $3-million-plus 4-day weekend ever.[119]

During Hasbro Investor Day, it was announced that the DVD and Blu-ray Disc will be released in the fourth quarter of 2011.[70]ThePALDVD and Blu-ray Disc home releases ofTransformers: Dark of the Moon(Trilogy pack, Blu-Ray 3D combo pack, and Collector's Edition) will be released in November 2011.[120]Transformers: Dark of the Moonis due for release on DVD and Blu-Ray on November 15, 2011.[121]

  1. ^ab"Transformers: Dark Of The Moon Presents Linkin Park – Live In Moscow On June 23rd In Support Of Movie's World Premiere In Russia".Paramount Pictures.2011-05-23.Dicapai pada2011-06-24.
  2. ^ab"Global sites & Release Dates".Paramount Pictures.Dicapai pada2011-02-07.
  3. ^abcJeff Labrecque."'Transformers: Dark of the Moon' gets new release date " padaMay 20,2011.
  4. ^"Transformers - Dark Of The Moon".BBFC. June 21, 2011.Dicapai padaJune 28,2011.
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  63. ^New Transformers: Dark Of The Moon Clip
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  65. ^Linkin Park's 'Iridescent' Video: A Dog, A Throne And A Blind KingMTV
  66. ^!/paramore/status/72808541093765120
  67. ^YouTube - ‪Staind - The Bottom‬‏
  68. ^Transformers: Dark of the Moon (The Score) by Steve Jablonsky - Download Transformers: Dark of the Moon (The Score) on iTunes
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Pautan Luar

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Templat:Transformers Templat:Transformers film series