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Daripada Wikipedia, ensiklopedia bebas.
Fail:Bibsys Orio screenshot.png
Screenshotof the Oria search page, showing a search for "Wikipedia" at theUniversity of BergenLibrary
Fail:Bibsys Ask screenshot.png
Screenshot of the older Ask version of Bibsys, showing the advanced search field

BIBSYSis anadministrative agencyset up and organized by the Ministry of Education and Research inNorway.They are a service provider, focusing on the exchange, storage and retrieval of data pertaining to research, teaching and learning – historically metadata related to library resources.

BIBSYS are collaborating with all Norwegian universities and university colleges as well as research institutions and theNational Library of Norway.[1][2]Bibsys is formally organized as a unit at theNorwegian University of Science and Technology(NTNU), located inTrondheim,Norway. Theboard of directorsis appointed byNorwegian Ministry of Education and Research.

BIBSYS offer researchers, students and others an easy access to library resources by providing the unified search serviceOria.noand other library services. [3]They also deliver integrated products for the internal operation for research and special libraries as well as open educational resources. [4]

As aDataCitememberBIBSYS act as a national DataCite representative in Norway and thereby allow all of Norway's higher education and research institutions to useDOIon their research data.

All their products and services are developed in cooperation with their member institutions.

BIBSYS began in 1972 as a collaborative project between theRoyal Norwegian Society of Sciences and LettersLibrary (Det Kongelige Norske Videnskabers Selskabs Bibliotek), theNorwegian Institute of TechnologyLibrary and the Computer Centre at the Norwegian Institute of Technology. The purpose of the project was to automate internal library routines. Since 1972 Bibsys has evolved from a library system supplier for two libraries in Trondheim, to developing and operating a national library system for Norwegian research and special libraries. The target group has also expanded to include the customers of research and special libraries, by providing them easy access to library resources.

BIBSYS is a public administrative agency answerable to the Ministry of Education and Research, and administratively organised as a unit at NTNU. In addition to BIBSYS Library System, the product portfolio consists of BISBYS Ask, BIBSYS Brage, BIBSYS Galleri and BIBSYS Tyr. All operation of applications and databases is performed centrally by BIBSYS. BIBSYS also offer a range of services, both in connection with their products and separate services independent of the products they supply.

  1. ^Language institute asks hackers to help(archived) inAftenposten,7 June 2002 "The Ivar Aasen Center is a member of Bibsys, which is a library data center offering services to all Norwegian University Libraries, the National Library, all college libraries, and a number of research libraries."
  2. ^Kulturell kampanjejournalistikkinAftenposten4 March 2009 "Et enkelt søk i Bibsys (et elektronisk biblioteksystem for hele landet, red.anm.)"
  3. ^Pilotprosjekt i det stilleinAftenposten25 June 2009 "eller du kan låne den fra nærmeste bibliotek gjennom Bibsys."
  4. ^Harvard i spissen for utdanningsrevolusjoninAftenposten5 June 2014 "Mellom fem og ti nye studietilbud har meldt sin ankomst til sommeren og høsten, sier Frode Arntsen i Bibsys, som er ansvarlig for nettportalen."
[sunting|sunting sumber]