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विकिपिडिया नं
Revision as of ०४:३७, १९ अक्टोबर २०२२ byEukesh(खँल्हाबल्हा|योगदान)(Eukesh moved pageअलेक्जेन्डर महानtoअलेक्जेन्दर)
(पागु)←पुलाँगु संस्करण| Latest revision (पागु) | न्हुगु संस्करण→ (पागु)
Alexander the Great
BasileusofMacedon,Hegemonof theHellenic League,ShahanshahofPersia,PharaohofEgypt,Lord of Asia

Alexander fighting the Persian kingDarius III.FromAlexander Mosaic,Naples National Archaeological Museum
King of Macedonia
Reign 336–323 BC
Predecessor Philip II
Successor Alexander IV
Philip III
Pharaoh of Egypt
Reign 332–323 BC
Predecessor Darius III
Successor Alexander IV
Philip III
King of Persia
Reign 330–323 BC
Predecessor Darius III
Successor Alexander IV
Philip III
King of Asia
Reign 331–323 BC
Predecessor New office
Successor Alexander IV
Philip III
Spouse Roxana of Bactria
Stateira II of Persia
Parysatis II of Persia
Alexander IV
पूवंगु नां
Alexander III of Macedon
Dynasty Argead dynasty
अबु Philip II of Macedon
मां Olympias of Epirus
बुगु 20 or 21 July 356 BC
मदूगु 10 or 11 June 323 BC (aged 32)
धर्म Greek polytheism

म्यासेदोनियायाम्ह छम्ह नांजाम्ह जुजु व कुशल सेनाध्यक्ष।

