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Awards and press clippings

From OeisWiki

This is a collection of awards, press mentions, interviews, and other notable appearances of the OEIS in the media.



  • Thomas Fink, Why mathematics is set to be revolutionized by AI, Nature, Vol. 629, 16 May 2024, page 505 (the lead editorial).
    "Second, mathematical data — on which AI can be trained — are cheap. Primes, knots and many other types of mathematical object are abundant. The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences (OEIS) contains almost 375,000 sequences — from the familiar Fibonacci sequence (1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13,...) to the formidable Busy Beaver sequence (0, 1, 4, 6, 13,…), which grows faster than any computable function. Scientists are already using machine-learning tools to search the OEIS database to find unanticipated relationships."







  • The TV seriesMr Robotmentioned the OEIS in Season 2, Episode 11 or 12 (there are conflicting reports), September 2016, about 37 minutes in. They are deciphering a cryptic message with the aid of the OEIS. The scene lasts for two to three minutes (which is a lot of screen time). Screen shot:

See also Russell Brandom's articleThe Mr Robot Hack Report, Sep 04 2016,Following the bread crumbs Thank God for the Online Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences


  • The Dutch magazinePythagorashas an ongoing series of articles about number sequences, many of which mention the OEIS. Four parts have appeared so far: Een Lexicon vol Getallen [ "A Dictionary of Numbers" ] (Sept. 2015), Getallenplantjes [ "Number plants" (?)] (Oct. 2015), Driehoeksgetallen [ "Triangular numbers" ] (Nov. 2015), Een bizarre rij [A bizarre sequence] (Dec. 2015).
  • Margaret Wertheim,The Fax Numbers of the Beast, and Other Mathematical Sports: An Interview with Neil Sloane,Cabinet Magazine,Issue 57, Spring 2015, pages 48-54.
  • Siobhan Roberts,How to Build a Search Engine for Mathematics: The surprising power of Neil Sloane's Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences,Nautilus Magazine, Issue 29, Chapter 4, Oct 22 2015.
  • Eric EggeinDefying God: The Stanley-Wilf Conjecture, Stanley-Wilf Limits, and a Two-Generation Explosion of Combinatorics,pp. 65-82 ofA Century of Advancing Mathematics,ed. S. F. Kennedy et al., MAA Press 2015, says: "When we enter our terms1, 2, 6, 22, 91, 408, 1938, 9614into the OEIS search box, we are rewarded with a description of the sequence.... In hindsight it’s amusing that Sloane called his [1973] book “A Handbook,” as though there might be competitors. There are none, and the OEIS is a required stop for anyone who encounters an integer sequence they don’t recognize. It’s no exaggeration to observe that in certain parts of combinatorics, the OEIS alone has increased the rate of new discoveries by an order of magnitude. "
  • Featured bySlashdoton August 7 2015
  • Erica Klarreich,The Connoisseur of Number Sequences,Quanta Magazine, August 6 2015 (Interview with Neil Sloane about the OEIS)
  • Hacker Newsdiscussion of OEIS, July 21 2015
  • Article by Vijayakumar Ambatin Malayalam (a regional language of India) in the newspaper Malayala Manorama - Padhippura, 12 June 2015, that mentions the OEIS.
  • Video interviewabout the OEIS by Marc Chamberland made at the Joint Math Meetings in San Antonio, Texas, Jan. 2015.



Prime resource on advanced mathematics.png




  • Julie Rehmeyer,The pattern collector: The Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences outgrows its creator,Science News, Web Edition, Aug 06, 2010.
  • Jochen Reinecke,Gehen sie ins netz?,Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung (Sunday edition of Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung), March 14, 2010, No. 10, page 61.
  • Ivars Peterson,Deciphering Integer Sequences,The Mathematical Tourist, March 10 2010.
  • Barry Cipra,What Comes Next?,Science Magazine, 327 (Feb 19, 2010), p. 943. [One of mathematicians' most beloved Web sites is getting ready for a makeover, it was reported at the Joint Mathematics Meetings. The Online Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences, established by Neil Sloane at AT&T Labs Research in 1996 and run largely as a one-man shop, is poised to go "wiki," with 50 associate editors taking over much of the workload....]




  • NJAS's 2003articleabout the OEIS received the Math. Assoc. AmericaDavid R. Robbins Prize,Jan 07, 2008.
    Although not quite a research paper in the usual sense, the paper describes an extraordinary research tool that has had an impact on mathematics far beyond that of almost any paper...




  • The OEIS was mentioned on the TV programNumb3rs,episode "Backscatter", May 05 2006.
  • Vincenzo Origlio, L'Enciclopedia delle sequenze intere,Biblioteche Oggi,January-February 2006, pp. 41-45.



  • The OEIS was featured in Ivars Peterson'sMathTrekinScience News Onlinefor May 17, 2003.
  • The Italian monthly magazine for software developers,Dev.has a piece about the OEIS in the Feb 2003 issue, No. 104, on page 72.





  • The Rail(May 20, 1998)
  • One ofSciencemagazine'sHot Picksfor 15 May 1998.
  • Dr Matrix Award(May 22, 1997)
  • Knot in the Braid of Links(Apr 29, 1997)
  • Member of the Permutation(1997)
  • Geek Site of the Day,(Oct. 9, 1996)
  • Reviewby J. M. Borwein and R. M. Corless inSIAM Review(Vol. 38, 1996, pp. 333-337) ofThe Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences.
  • A Question of NumbersFascinating review by Brian Hayes inAmerican Scientist,Vol. 84, No. 1, January-February 1996, pages 10-14.
  • Top 5% badge(1996)
  • Sunday Star Ledger,June 18, 1995, "Count him in: Bell expert tracks trends in numbers", pp. 1, 18, by Kitta MacPherson.
  • Theemail serverswere written up inNewsweek's "Cyberscope" column on Jan. 9, 1995 ( "Your lucky number?" by Carla Koehl and Jennifer Tanaka); inScienceon July 22, 1994; and in several other places.
  • Science,July 22, 1994,Mathematicians get an on-line fingerprint file,p. 473, by Barry Cipra.


  • Montreal Gazette,Feb. 21, 1987 p. J7,Among sequence buffs, this man's No 1: (Neil Sloane).
  • New York Times,Tuesday, January 27, 1987, front page of Science Tuesday section,"In a `random world', he collects patterns",by James Gleick. (The picture shows an extract from the first page, with the error in the third example corrected in red.) Added Dec 16 2009: The full text of the article (but not the illustrations) can now be seen on theNew York Times web site.


  • Scientific American,April, 1974, Review of “A Handbook of Integer Sequences”, pp. 125-126, by Philip Morrison.