
I am an Engineer meets Designer. With a focus on large scale, high impact, Open Source projects. I care about how developer ecosystems work.

I've spent most of my life focused on building iOS/Mac native apps and tools, and JavaScript tooling for the last few years.

MAstodon is my main, if quiet, outlet:@[email protected]

Today, I head up tech at Puzzmo. If you are here because I posted about a job, email[email protected]

TypeScript Web

A fresh perspective.

New bodywork

I led the project to create a new site, new handbook, and new logo for TypeScript, one of the most popular programming languages in the world. Working with the rest of the compiler team to get things right and introduce a whole new set of programmers to the language.

TypeScript Playground

REPL in the Cloud.

Sharing the process

Bouncing ideas offRyan Cavanaugh to create a world-class website for using, exploring and developing with TypeScript. Creating sharable snippets, with powerful introspection tools and deep customization.

TypeScript Ecosystem

Ecosystem Engineering.

Automation that scales

WithEli Barzilay to introduce automation-tooling on DefinitelyTyped, one of the most active GitHub repos in the world. We built an access-control layer which made it safe for people to maintain types for all of npm's un-typed JavaScript.

Flappy Royale

Flappy Fatale.

100 Players are Flapping

Working withEm Lazer-WalkerandZach Gagewe explored an unconventional take on Flappy Bird for mobile and web. It's a cruel game with no win state, from which of 20 million birds have flapped out.

Design + JS

Giving back by design.

Pretty potentate

I've been helping out some of my favourite JavaScript dev-tools by re-designing and consolidating their homepages.

Danger in Swift

Bringing Danger back.

JavaScript-powered tooling for other communities

Working withFranco Meloniwe used some of the Danger JS tech created for Peril to create a way for iOS folks to own their Dangerfiles.

Danger in Swift is a nice trip back home after graduating to a new community.

Transparent Engineering Culture


Consolidated Culture Documentation

Over time Artsy's engineering documentation became fragmented, rarely updated and with few contributors.

I consolidated all docs, open sourced most and created a process for finding or creating new docs.

AR Artworks at Artsy

A fresh perspective on View in Room.

Working withBrian WattersonandKatarina Batinawe created an augmented reality experience to the Artsy app using Apple's bleeding-edge ARKit 1.5.

Bit stressful because of technical constraints (and the vague-ness of reality), but we found a way to make it work.


Caring at Scale.

GitHub automation before it was cool

I took Danger to the server, expanding the scope of automation for cultural rules to be anything related to GitHub

At Artsy, Peril lets us applyminimal viable processin all sorts of new and interesting places by mi xing schedulers and webhook processing

Danger JS

Consolidated Caring.

Like Danger in Ruby - but for JavaScript

If Artsy was moving to JS for iOS, we needed to have our tools to come with us.

Re-writing Danger for JS gave me the chance to fix fundamental blockers for creating a considerably larger Danger eco-system of tools.

Migration to React Native

De-siloing and consolidating tooling.

Long term thinking

WhenEloy Duránpitched we should move to React Native at Artsy, I helped his idea not just work - but succeed.

My contributions ranged from documenting our process, pitching stake-holders, choosing, owning and improving dependencies and helping to establish a high quality engineering culture across the shared web and iOS infrastructure.

Danger Ruby

Caring About Culture.

Like unit tests, but for team culture

Working withFelix Krausewe created a way to write tests in a way that couldn't exist before.

Danger is a feedback and testing system for looking at the environment of your code reviews.


Less Hassle, More Pods.

Compiling Dependencies

Working withEloy DuránandNate West.We built a hosted environment for all of CocoaPods' environment.

We went all out as an IDE for understanding your Podfile. Auto-completion, inline errors, migration advice and an integration overview.

Artsy Shows

TV, Shows.

Visually Stimulating

Working withOwen DoddandKatarina Batinawe created a beautiful way to experience current exhibitions from galleries and museums around the world on your TV.

Small scope, tight deadline and a great working design/dev relationship.

Open Source By Default

If no one says 'no', keep going.

Radical Openness

With help fromDaniel DoubrovkineI transformed the Artsy Mobile team to be Open Source by default.

We started small, and over the course of a year I made a lot of hard calls and eventually came out with all of our apps available for others to learn from.


Find GIFs easily.

The most distracting app to work on.

Over the course of years, me and a bunch of internet random contributors eventually shipped a Mac app for quickly finding GIFs.

Took far too long to make.


On-site Kiosk App

An experiment in Open Source.

I worked withAsh Furrow,Katarina Batinaand1aura Brown.We built an app for browsing works, swiping cards and making auction bids. We did it in Swift,in the Open.

Artsy 1.3 - Fairs

Locating the Fair

Mapping the booths.

I worked withRob Bohnke,dB.,1aura BrownandKatarina Batina.We made the fair experience mobile. Opening out with The Armory Fair 2014, and moving around the world.


The Cocoa Dependency Manager

Design Dictating.

Consolidate the documentation, helped create the brand. The tentpole project for Open Source in iOS/Mac/watchOS/tvOS world.

Built withAndy Myers,Florian Hanke& theCocoaPods Team.

Artsy for iOS

The art world in your pocket

Browsing Artworks in Style.

Got $100,000 to spend on Artworks? Or just happen to be interested in exploring the art world. This app has you covered.

Featured weekly in the App Store globally, entirely Open Source.

Initially built withRobert Lenne&Leonard Grey.


Documentation, yawn, boring.

Your code, publicly documentated.

My initial dive into large scale OSS projects is CocoaDocs. CocoaDocs would host every CocoaPods' documentation for free, automatically.

PutIO For iOS

Easy stream movies

Put.IO is a hosted torrent service.

Put.IO for iOSwasa universal app that aims for the best user experience on the app store. It has iCloud syncing, in-app search and 16 language subtitle support. At last check the app has streamed over 100000 hours of video.

And is totally open source. Shame though, Apple stopped allowing it through the review process. So it's not on the App Store anymore.

Artsy Folio

A beautiful portfolio

Folio brings all the galleries into the yard.

I worked withRobert Lenne,Benjamin JacksonandLeonard Grey.To make a stunning portfolio app for museums and art galleries around the world.

Folio deals with downloading gigabytes of images and metadata. The app exposes no Apple styled views unobtrusively leaving the content itself to make its own statements. Lots of cool animations.


Curate playlists

Create Mixtapes using Spotify.

Mixtapes was created so I could make new playlists for friends that could change as we change. I update my Mixtapes for a certain someone weekly.

Free, open source & needs a paid Spotify account.





Open Source


Flow for VSCode

I took over maintenance of a well-used extension for the last few years without using it myself.

VSCode Jest

I started, and handed-off a well-used VS Code extension for Jest.

RFC process at Artsy

I created a process for improving processes by taking the best ideas from big OSS projects.

Artsy Engineering Principles

Idocumentedthe things that makes Engineering unique.

Jest Core

I help out with the Jest testing library for JavaScript.


I ported over a JS tool forgit-hooksto Swift.


I built a CocoaPods Plugin to automaticallyhost-fixReact Native with CocoaPods.


I built a SwiftPM package forconsolidatingthe configuration for build tools.

Static Site Comments

I built a system for using GitHub issues for comments on static sites, see theblog poston the Artsy blog.

Peer Labs

I have co-run aPeer Lab in NYCfor three years.

Artsy x React Native

I co-rana conferenceat Facebook London for iOS developers looking to understand React Native better.


I helped run a publicset of workshopsteaching how each part of the JavaScript stack at Artsy works.


I took over maintenance ofSpectaandExpecta,the BDD testing frameworks for the Cocoa community.


I provide an odd, but interesting, mentorship role to theRxSwift project.


I help out at anon-for-profitbringing new people into the tech sphere in NYC.

Swift at Artsy

Resources for 3 learn Swift courses for anyone to run in their own company. 2 years running now.

CocoaPods Quality Metrics

I spent a year talking and figuring out how to provideuseful metricson the quality of a library in the Cocoa ecosystem.

CocoaPods Stats

CocoaPods became the first dependency manager to actually say how many projects are using your library. Others provide raw download numbers which are easily skewed.

VS Code Extensions

OnlyCommon FilesandDangerATM.

Seriously though, credit goes to Microsoft for the amazing editor.

CocoaPods Embedded Search

The CocoaPods website now provides enough information that you don't need to open the homepage of a Pod to make a decision on it's value.

Cocoa Kucha / Komitteee

Globalcommunityoutreach.Hanging out with cool CocoaPods users around the world and requesting that they talk about their work.

CocoaPods Guides

I consolidated all of the CocoaPods documentation, and reference materials into asingle website.

AppCode Settings

Amaintained and opinionated collectionof settings for AppCode. You should experiment with it.

Life issues

I started keeping track of things I need to do ina github lifeissues. You should too.


ptis a gem that is a command line interface to pivotal tracker. It's a much faster way to create new issues, and to get an overview of your things to do.


Ageneric APIfor different analytics platforms on iOS. A useful library used in 5 apps of mine now.


You can't trick me. It's stacks all the way down.Artsy's iOS app lives by this motto.

Apple deprecated me - whoooo!


Chairs makeshot-swapping iOS simulator app directorieseasy. Dealing with migrations and large syncs is now not so time consuming.


I wrote atext adventure game frameworkto help kids learn objective-c. I nowadays I make people presents in the form of simple games with this.


Ascreensaver for the Macshowing people completing videogames so you don't have to.


The easiest way to set your desktop background to someawesomewallpapers. Powered by the reddit search from GIFs.Check it here.


I used to run a meetup in manchester calledNSManchester.Then I moved to NYC.


Wuthering Bytes,Hebden Bridge, England - 14th Sept 2013 Looking after an Open Source community -video

NSSpain- Logrono, Spain - 18th Sept 2013 From Submodules to Private Cocoapods - How to move your infrastructure to private pods for smarter dependency management.

goto; conference- Aarhus, Denmark - 1st Oct 2013 CocoaPods, the Objective-C Dependency Manager We've Been Waiting For. -video

Mobile Central Europe- Warsaw, Poland - 11th Jan 2014 CocoaPods and the road to 1.0 -videoslides

Nickelodeon HQ - NYC, USA - 31st Jan 2014 How does CocoaPods work?

Snow*Mobile- Madison, WI, USA - Feb 21st 2014 CocoaPods and the road to 1.0 -slides

Tumblr HQ - NYC, USA - 26th Feb 2014 How to hijack an Open Source Community for Internet Points

mdevcon- Amsterdam, The Netherlands - March 8th 2014 CocoaPods and the road to 1.0

Istanbul Tech Talks,Istanbul, Turkey - 28th April 2014 Mobile and the Art world -video

UIKonf- Berlin, Germany - 16th May 2014 CocoaPods and Documentation -slidesvideo

CocoaPods State of the Union- San Francisco, USA - 2nd June 2014 Host, and gave overview of what has happened in the year.

Altconf - San Francisco, USA - 3rd Jun 2014 Project Eigen Post Mortem -videoslides

CocoaHeads StockHolm,Stockholm, Sweden - July 7th 2014 Ways to Start Open Source

Gilt HQ - NYC, USA 20th August iOS at Artsy -slides

Brooklyn iOS - NYC, USA - 21st August 2014 iOS at Artsy -slides

#pragma mark,Milan, Italy. 3rd October 2014 CocoaPods

Yet Another Conference,Moscow Russia, 30th October 2014 Tools, Testing and new New Team Members. The Story of Post 1.0 App -video

Brooklyn Swift Developers- NYC, USA - November 13th, 2014 Swift Under the Deadline -videoslides

CocoaHeads NYC- April 9th 2015 How the Artsy Mobile Team works in the Open

New York Times HQ - 14th April 2015 How the Artsy Mobile Team works in the Open

Self Conference- Detroit, NYC - 30th May 2015 Contributing to Open Source Doesn’t Require Changing the World

CocoaPods State of the Union- San Francisco, USA - 8th June 2015 Host, and gave overview of what has happened in the year.

Altconf- San Francisco - 9th June 2015 Being Nice in Open Source -video

MobileOptimized- Minsk, Belarus - 14th July 2015 Being Nice in Open Source -slides



ortatherox NYC/UK

Omni-Engineer atPuzzmo

[email protected]

I rarely blog here:orta.io/rebase

I wrote tech here:artsy.github.ioandblog.puzzmo

I make stuff here:github /orta

/okalldonebye tweetmexxx/