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Republika Slovenija
Republic na Slovenia
Laylay na Slovenia Simbolo na Slovenia
Laylay Simbolo
Kansion na Dalin:Zdravljica
Lokasyon na Slovenia
Lokasyon na Slovenia
Kabesera Ljubljana
46°03′ N 14°30′ E
Sankabalgan ya siyudad Ljubljana
Salita ya uusarin na gobiyerno Slovenian,Italian1,Hungarian1
Gobiyerno Parliamentaryrepublic
-President Janez Drnovšek
-Prime Minister Janez Janša
Independence FromYugoslavia
- Declared June 25,1991
- Recognized 1992
Accession to EU May 1,2004
- Katiponan 20,273 km²(144rd)
7,827 sq mi
- Danom (%) 0.6%
Bilang na Too
- Nen 2017 2,065,8952(144th)
- Census nen 2002 1,964,036
-Density 101,9/km² (106st)
251/sq mi
GDP(PPP) Nen 2005
- Katiponan $43.69 billion (81st)
- Per capita $21,911 (31st)
HDI(2003) 0.904 (26th) –high
Kwarta Tolar3(SIT)
Zone na oras CET(UTC+1)
- Summer (DST) CEST(UTC+2)
Internet TLD .si4
Calling code +386
1In the residential municipalities of Italian or Hungarian national community.

2Source:Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia: Population, Slovenia, 31 March 2006
3Will be replaced by theeuro(EUR) on 1 January 2007.
4also.eu,shared with otherEuropean Unionmember states.

Sloveniasakey country sopegley na Europe.

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