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Python Enhancement Proposals

PEP 757 – C API to import-export Python integers

Sergey B Kirpichev <skirpichev at>, Victor Stinner <vstinner at>
C API Working Group
Discourse thread
Standards Track

Table of Contents


Add a new C API to import and export Python integers, int objects: especially PyLongWriter_Create() and PyLong_Export() functions.


Projects such as gmpy2, SAGE and Python-FLINT access directly Python “internals” (the PyLongObject structure) or use an inefficient temporary format (hex strings for Python-FLINT) to import and export Python int objects. The Python int implementation changed in Python 3.12 to add a tag and “compact values”.

In the 3.13 alpha 1 release, the private undocumented _PyLong_New() function had been removed, but it is being used by these projects to import Python integers. The private function has been restored in 3.13 alpha 2.

A public efficient abstraction is needed to interface Python with these projects without exposing implementation details. It would allow Python to change its internals without breaking these projects. For example, implementation for gmpy2 was changed recently for CPython 3.9 and for CPython 3.12.


Layout API

Data needed by GMP-like import-export functions.

struct PyLongLayout
Layout of an array of “digits” (“limbs” in the GMP terminology), used to represent absolute value for arbitrary precision integers.

Use PyLong_GetNativeLayout() to get the native layout of Python int objects, used internally for integers with “big enough” absolute value.

See also sys.int_info which exposes similar information to Python.

uint8_t bits_per_digit
Bits per digit.
uint8_t digit_size
Digit size in bytes.
int8_t digits_order
Digits order:
  • 1 for most significant digit first
  • -1 for least significant digit first
int8_t endianness
Digit endianness:
  • 1 for most significant byte first (big endian)
  • -1 for least significant first (little endian)
const PyLongLayout *PyLong_GetNativeLayout(void)
Get the native layout of Python int objects.

See the PyLongLayout structure.

The function must not be called before Python initialization nor after Python finalization. The returned layout is valid until Python is finalized. The layout is the same for all Python sub-interpreters and so it can be cached.

Export API

struct PyLongExport
Export of a Python int object.

There are two cases:

int64_t value
The native integer value of the exported int object. Only valid if digits is NULL.
uint8_t negative
1 if the number is negative, 0 otherwise. Only valid if digits is not NULL.
Py_ssize_t ndigits
Number of digits in digits array. Only valid if digits is not NULL.
const void *digits
Read-only array of unsigned digits. Can be NULL.

If digits not NULL, a private field of the PyLongExport structure stores a strong reference to the Python int object to make sure that that structure remains valid until PyLong_FreeExport() is called.

int PyLong_Export(PyObject *obj, PyLongExport *export_long)
Export a Python int object.

On success, set *export_long and return 0. On error, set an exception and return -1.

If export_long->digits is not NULL, PyLong_FreeExport() must be called when the export is no longer needed.

On CPython 3.14, no memory copy is needed in PyLong_Export(), it’s just a thin wrapper to expose Python int internal digits array.

void PyLong_FreeExport(PyLongExport *export_long)
Release the export export_long created by PyLong_Export().

Import API

The PyLongWriter API can be used to import an integer: create a Python int object from a digits array.

struct PyLongWriter
A Python int writer instance.

The instance must be destroyed by PyLongWriter_Finish() or PyLongWriter_Discard().

PyLongWriter *PyLongWriter_Create(int negative, Py_ssize_t ndigits, void **digits)
Create a PyLongWriter.

On success, set *digits and return a writer. On error, set an exception and return NULL.

negative is 1 if the number is negative, or 0 otherwise.

ndigits is the number of digits in the digits array. It must be greater than or equal to 0.

The caller can either initialize the array of digits digits and then call PyLongWriter_Finish() to get a Python int, or call PyLongWriter_Discard() to destroy the writer instance. Digits must be in the range [0; (1 << sys.int_info.bits_per_digit) - 1]. Unused digits must be set to 0.

On CPython 3.14, the PyLongWriter_Create() implementation is a thin wrapper to the private _PyLong_New() function.

PyObject *PyLongWriter_Finish(PyLongWriter *writer)
Finish a PyLongWriter created by PyLongWriter_Create().

On success, return a Python int object. On error, set an exception and return NULL.

The function takes care of normalizing the digits and converts the object to a compact integer if needed.

void PyLongWriter_Discard(PyLongWriter *writer)
Discard a PyLongWriter created by PyLongWriter_Create().

Optimize import for small integers

Proposed import API is efficient for large integers. Compared to accessing directly Python internals, the proposed import API can have a significant performance overhead on small integers.

For small integers of a few digits (for example, 1 or 2 digits), existing APIs can be used:




/* Query parameters of Python’s internal representation of integers. */
const PyLongLayout *layout = PyLong_GetNativeLayout();

size_t int_digit_size = layout->digit_size;
int int_digits_order = layout->digits_order;
size_t int_bits_per_digit = layout->bits_per_digit;
size_t int_nails = int_digit_size*8 - int_bits_per_digit;
int int_endianness = layout->endianness;

Export: PyLong_Export() with gmpy2


static int
mpz_set_PyLong(mpz_t z, PyObject *obj)
    static PyLongExport long_export;

    if (PyLong_Export(obj, &long_export) < 0) {
        return -1;

    if (long_export.digits) {
        mpz_import(z, long_export.ndigits, int_digits_order, int_digit_size,
                   int_endianness, int_nails, long_export.digits);
        if (long_export.negative) {
            mpz_neg(z, z);
    else {
        const int64_t value = long_export.value;

        if (LONG_MIN <= value && value <= LONG_MAX) {
            mpz_set_si(z, value);
        else {
            mpz_import(z, 1, -1, sizeof(int64_t), 0, 0, &value);
            if (value < 0) {
                mpz_t tmp;
                mpz_ui_pow_ui(tmp, 2, 64);
                mpz_sub(z, z, tmp);
    return 0;

Reference code: mpz_set_PyLong() in the gmpy2 master for commit 9177648.


import pyperf
from gmpy2 import mpz

runner = pyperf.Runner()
runner.bench_func('1<<7', mpz, 1 << 7)
runner.bench_func('1<<38', mpz, 1 << 38)
runner.bench_func('1<<300', mpz, 1 << 300)
runner.bench_func('1<<3000', mpz, 1 << 3000)

Results on Linux Fedora 40 with CPU isolation, Python built in release mode:

Benchmark ref pep757
1<<7 91.3 ns 89.9 ns: 1.02x faster
1<<38 120 ns 94.9 ns: 1.27x faster
1<<300 196 ns 203 ns: 1.04x slower
1<<3000 939 ns 945 ns: 1.01x slower
Geometric mean (ref) 1.05x faster

Import: PyLongWriter_Create() with gmpy2


static PyObject *
GMPy_PyLong_From_MPZ(MPZ_Object *obj, CTXT_Object *context)
    if (mpz_fits_slong_p(obj->z)) {
        return PyLong_FromLong(mpz_get_si(obj->z));

    size_t size = (mpz_sizeinbase(obj->z, 2) +
                   int_bits_per_digit - 1) / int_bits_per_digit;
    void *digits;
    PyLongWriter *writer = PyLongWriter_Create(mpz_sgn(obj->z) < 0, size,
    if (writer == NULL) {
        return NULL;

    mpz_export(digits, NULL, int_digits_order, int_digit_size,
               int_endianness, int_nails, obj->z);

    return PyLongWriter_Finish(writer);

Reference code: GMPy_PyLong_From_MPZ() in the gmpy2 master for commit 9177648.


import pyperf
from gmpy2 import mpz

runner = pyperf.Runner()
runner.bench_func('1<<7', int, mpz(1 << 7))
runner.bench_func('1<<38', int, mpz(1 << 38))
runner.bench_func('1<<300', int, mpz(1 << 300))
runner.bench_func('1<<3000', int, mpz(1 << 3000))

Results on Linux Fedora 40 with CPU isolation, Python built in release mode:

Benchmark ref pep757
1<<7 56.7 ns 56.2 ns: 1.01x faster
1<<300 191 ns 213 ns: 1.12x slower
Geometric mean (ref) 1.03x slower

Benchmark hidden because not significant (2): 1<<38, 1<<3000.

Backwards Compatibility

There is no impact on the backward compatibility, only new APIs are added.

Rejected Ideas

Support arbitrary layout

It would be convenient to support arbitrary layout to import-export Python integers.

For example, it was proposed to add a layout parameter to PyLongWriter_Create() and a layout member to the PyLongExport structure.

The problem is that it’s more complex to implement and not really needed. What’s strictly needed is only an API to import-export using the Python “native” layout.

If later there are use cases for arbitrary layouts, new APIs can be added.

Don’t add PyLong_GetNativeLayout() function

Currently, most required information for int import/export is already available via PyLong_GetInfo() (and sys.int_info). We also can add more (like order of digits), this interface doesn’t poses any constraints on future evolution of the PyLongObject.

The problem is that the PyLong_GetInfo() returns a Python object, named tuple, not a convenient C structure and that might distract people from using it in favor e.g. of current semi-private macros like PyLong_SHIFT and PyLong_BASE.

Provide mpz_import/export-like API instead

The other approach to import/export data from int objects might be following: expect, that C extensions provide contiguous buffers that CPython then exports (or imports) the absolute value of an integer.

API example:

struct PyLongLayout {
    uint8_t bits_per_digit;
    uint8_t digit_size;
    int8_t digits_order;

size_t PyLong_GetDigitsNeeded(PyLongObject *obj, PyLongLayout layout);
int PyLong_Export(PyLongObject *obj, PyLongLayout layout, void *buffer);
PyLongObject *PyLong_Import(PyLongLayout layout, void *buffer);

This might work for the GMP, as this it has mpz_limbs_read() and mpz_limbs_write() functions, that can provide required “buffers”.

The major drawback of this approach is that it’s much more complex on the CPython side (i.e. actual conversion between different layouts).



Last modified: 2024-10-15 12:14:30 GMT