Pete LePage

Thoughts on web development, life, and photography.

GitHub SSH and 2-factor auth

I hate that using SSH & 2-factor auth means I have to auth even for for a git pull. But there’s an easier way! Change the remote used for fetch to the HTTPS url. First, verify that both push/fetch are using SSH by running git remote -v it should output something like: origin [email protected]:petele/squoosh.git (fetch)origin [email protected]:petele/squoosh.git (push) Then use git remote set-url originto set the remote URL for fetch to the HTTPS url. Your repo will now push via SSH and pull via...

Books I'm reading

Reading is critical to my mental health. Ever since I was a kid, I read, at least a little bit before I fall asleep. In fact, it’s almost a trained behavior now. If I start reading during the day, I get sleepy! What I like about reading is that it gives me an opportunity to stop thinking about the day, put all of that aside and focus on something else. Almost like “parking” my brain for the evening. I want a good book, not a great book. It needs to be something I enjoy, but easy enough to put down. If...