Class: List


Container-based component for arranging Pixi containers one after another based on their sizes.

Type option is used to set the direction of the arrangement.

If type is not specified, it will be acting like a bidirectional, items will be arranged to fit horizontally, after there is no space left, new line will be started, so items will be arranged likeinline-blockin css.

It is used inside elements with repeatable content, likeSelectorScrollBox.


const list = new List({
children: [
new Graphics().rect(0, 0, 50, 50).fill(0x000000),
new Graphics().rect(0, 0, 50, 50).fill(0xFFFFFF),

list.addChild(new Graphics().rect(0, 0, 50, 50)).fill(0x000000);



Set bottom padding.

bottomPadding number

Get bottom padding.

children C[] readonly

Returns all arranged elements.


Set element margin.

elementsMargin number

Get element margin.


Set horizontal padding, overriding all left and right padding options.

horPadding number

Get horizontal padding.


Set left padding.

leftPadding number

Get left padding.


Set padding, overriding all padding options.

padding number

Get padding.


Set right padding.

rightPadding number

Get right padding.


Set top padding.

topPadding number

Get top padding.


Set items arrange direction.

type ListType

Get items arrange direction.


Set vertical padding, overriding all top and bottom padding options.

vertPadding number

Get vertical padding.

view Container

Container, that holds all inner elements.

_type ListType protected

Arrange direction.


arrangeChildren ()

Arrange all elements basing in their sizes and component options. Can be arranged vertically, horizontally or bidirectional.

init (options)

Initiates list component.

Name Type Attributes Description
options { type?: ListType } & C<ListOptions> <optional>

removeItem (itemID)

Removes items from the list. (Does not destroy them)

Name Type Description
itemID number

Item to remove (starting from 0).