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We arePractical Action

About Us

We can build thriving lives and livelihoods
on the frontlines of climate change.

A plant logo on a white background.

Farming that Works

Improving agriculture for smallholder farmers, to adapt to climate change and improve their standard of living.

A lightning bolt on a green background, representing the practical action we take.

Energy that Transforms

Helping people access clean affordable energy while preventing deaths from indoor stoves and fires.

Two construction workers in pink hard hats featured in Issue 80.

Cities Fit for People

Clean water, proper waste disposal and sewage treatment for healthier living and working conditions.

A blue globe surrounded by a white background in Issue 80.

Resilience that Protects

Predicting and preparing for natural hazards with communities, minimising impact on lives and livelihoods.

At Practical Action we believe where there's action, there's hope.

Justice scales icon

Policy & Influence

We inform policy making at global, national and local levels so that decisions made are of maximum benefit to the poorest and most vulnerable people.

A light bulb icon on a black background representing Practical Action.

Technical Consulting

We provide technical assistance to development practioners, national and local governments and the private sector.

An orange background featuring the Practical Action logo.

Specialist Publishing

We partner with the brightest minds to publish the latest development perspectives to practitioners and researchers in over 100 countries.

A graduation cap icon on a black background representing Practical Action.


Our free, downloadable teaching resources for primary and secondary schools inspire pupils to learn about global issues.

We believe in the power of smallto change the big picture

For over fifty years, Practical Action has been an innovator in how to think about and tackle global poverty.

Our founder was radical economist and philosopher E.F. ‘Fritz’ Schumacher, a visionary who challenged the aid policies of the day. In today’s increasingly divided world suffering from catastrophic climate change, the ideas of Fritz Schumacher chime as loud as ever.

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91p out of every £1

is spent on our charitable activities around
the world.


9p out of every £1

is spent on fundraising.

Get involved

There are many different ways in which you can help. Explore how you can get involved in helping people change their world.

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We want every one of our team members to be able to make their greatest contribution to our collective effort. Check out our latest opportunities.

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Partner with us

We believe in cross-sector collaborations – ones that bring together human ingenuity and innovation to change systems and create a fairer, sustainable future.

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We take protecting your personal information seriously. We will never sell or swap your details with another organisation. We aim to provide you with a great experience of Practical Action and to communicate with every supporter in the best way possible. To do this, we may analyse your data and obtain further information about interests, preferences and level of potential donations using publicly available sources. We sometimes ask carefully selected companies to do this for us.

You can find out more about how we collect and use your personal information by reading our privacy notice change how we manage your personal information or opt out of receiving communications from Practical Action call us on 0800 389 1624 email[email protected]