A young man named Chiba Shuzaku (played by Nakamura Shunsuke) arrives in the town of Edo, carrying a lofty dream of mastering the art of the sword. He enrolls in the dojo of the master swordsman Nakai Tadaemon. As he forges deep...See moreA young man named Chiba Shuzaku (played by Nakamura Shunsuke) arrives in the town of Edo, carrying a lofty dream of mastering the art of the sword. He enrolls in the dojo of the master swordsman Nakai Tadaemon. As he forges deep friendships with his seniors in the dojo, Toyama Kinshiro and Jirokichi-who serves under the renowned Edo magistrate Shibukashi Heishichi-Shuzaku confronts numerous challenges and steadily progresses toward his dream.
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