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P. C. Wren

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P. C. Wren
P. C. Wren
Nascimento Percival Christopher Wren
1 de novembro de 1875
Morte 22 de novembro de 1941 (66 anos)
Cidadania Reino Unido
Alma mater
  • St Catherine's College
Ocupação escritor,romancista
Obras destacadas Beau Geste

Percival Christopher Wren(1885,Devon,Inglaterra-22 de novembrode1941,Londres), mais conhecido comoP. C. Wren,foi ummilitareescritorbritânico, autor de novelas de aventuras. Seu livro mais conhecido éBeau Geste,adaptado varias vezes para o cinema.

Obras publicadas

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  • The Indian Teacher's Guide to the Theory and Practice of Mental, Moral, and Physical Education(1910 Bombay)
  • Indian School Organization, Management, Discipline, Tone, and Equipment, Being the Indian Headmaster's Guide(1911 Bombay)
  • TheDirectTeaching of English in Indian Schools(1911 Bombay)
  • Dew and Mildew: Semi-Detached Stories from Darabad, India(1912 UK)
  • Chemistry and First Aid for Standard VII with H.E.H. Pratt(1913 Bombay)
  • Father Gregory; or, Lures and Failures: A Tale of Hindustan(1913 UK/1926 USA)
  • Physics and Mechanics with N.B. Macmillan(1914 Bombay)
  • Snake and Sword(1914 UK)
  • The Wages of Virtue(1916 UK/1917 USA)
  • Driftwood Spars(1916 UK/1927 USA)
  • Stepsons of France(1917 UK/1917 USA)
  • The Young Stagers, Being Further Faites and Gestes of the Junior Carlton Club of Karabad, India…(1917 UK/1926 USA)
  • Cupid in Africa; or, The Making of Bertran in Love and War - A Character Study(1920 UK)
  • With the Prince through Canada, New Zealand, and Australia(1922 Bombay)
  • The Snake and the Sword(1923 USA), reprint of 1914 text
  • Beau Geste(1924 UK/1925 USA)
  • Beau Sabreur(1926 UK/USA)
  • Dew and Mildew: A Loose-Knit Tale of Hindustan(1927 USA), reprint of 1912 text
  • Beau Ideal(1928 UK/USA)
  • Good Gestes: Stories of Beau Geste, His Brothers, and Certain of Their Comrades in the French Foreign Legion(1929 UK/USA)
  • Soldiers of Misfortune: The Story of Otho Belleme(1929 UK/USA)
  • Mysterious Waye: The Story of "The Unsetting Sun"(1930 UK/USA)
  • The Mammon of Righteousness: The Story of Coxe and the Box(1930 UK/USA)
  • Sowing Glory: The Memoirs ofMary Ambree,The English Woman-Legionary(1931 UK/USA)
  • Valiant Dust(1932 UK/USA)
  • Action and Passion(1933 UK/USA)
  • Flawed Blades: Tales from the Foreign Legion(1933 UK/USA)
  • Beggars' Horses(1934 UK)
  • Port o' Missing Men: Strange Tales of the Stranger Regiment(1934 UK/1943 USA)
  • Sinbad the Soldier(1935 UK/USA)
  • Explosion(1935 UK)
  • Spanish Maine(1935 UK) Published as The Desert Heritage in USA
  • Fort in the Jungle: The Extraordinary Adventures of Sinbad Dysart in Tonkin(1936 UK/USA)
  • Bubble Reputation(1936 UK) Published as The Cortenay Treasure in USA
  • The Man of a Ghost(1937 UK) Published as The Spur of Pride in USA
  • Worth Wile(1937 UK) Published as To the Hilt in USA
  • Cardboard Castle(1938 UK/USA)
  • Rough Shooting: True Tales and Strange Stories(1938 UK/1944 USA)
  • Paper Prison(1939 UK) Published as The Man the Devil Didn't Want in USA
  • The Disappearance of General Jason(1940 UK)
  • Two Feet from Heaven(1940 UK/1941 USA)
  • Odd - But Even So: Stories Stranger Than Fiction(1941 UK/1942 USA)
  • The Uniform of Glory(1941 UK)
  • The Dark Woman(1943 USA), re-impressão 1934 UK texto Beggar' Horses
  • The Hunting of Henri(1944 UK), re-impressão de conto
  • Stories of the Foreign Legion(1947 UK), re-impressão de contos
  • Dead Men's Boots and Other Tales from the Foreign Legion(1949 UK), re-impressão de contos

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