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Raymond Firth

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Raymond Firth
Raymond Firth
Nascimento 25 de março de 1901
Morte 22 de fevereiro de 2002 (100 anos)
Cidadania Nova Zelândia
Irmão(ã)(s) Cedric Firth
Alma mater
Ocupação antropólogo,acadêmico
Empregador(a) London School of Economics

Raymond William Firth(Auckland,25 de marçode1901Londres,22 de fevereirode2002) foi umetnólogoneozelandês.

Como resultado do trabalho etnográfico de Firth, o comportamento real das sociedades (organização social) é separado das regras idealizadas de comportamento dentro da sociedade particular (estrutura social). Ele foi professor de antropologia por muito tempo na London School of Economics, e é considerado o criador sozinho de uma forma de antropologia econômica britânica.[1][2][3][4]

Bibliografia selecionada

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  • 'The Korekore Pa'Journal of the Polynesian Society34:1–18 (1925)
  • 'The Māori Carver'Journal of the Polynesian Society34:277–291 (1925)
  • Primitive Economics of the New Zealand MāoriLondon: George Routledge and Sons (1929) (com prefácio deR.H. Tawney)
  • We the Tikopia: A Sociological Study of Kinship in Primitive PolynesiaLondon: Allen and Unwin (1936)
  • Human Types: An Introduction to Social Anthropology(1958)
  • Primitive Polynesian EconomyLondon: Routledge & Sons, Ltd (1939)
  • The Work of the Gods in TikopiaMelbourne: Melbourne University Press (1940, 1967)
  • 'The Coastal People of Kelantan and Trengganu, Malaya'Geographical Journal101(5/6):193-205 (1943)
  • Pacific Islands Volume 2: Eastern Pacific(ed, com J. W. Davidson e Margaret Davies), Naval Intelligence Division Geographical Handbook Series, HMSO (dezembro de 1944)
  • Pacific Islands Volume 3: Western Pacific (Tonga to the Solomon Islands)(ed, com J. W. Davidson e Margaret Davies), Naval Intelligence Division Geographical Handbook Series, HMSO (agosto de 1945)
  • Pacific Islands Volume 4: Western Pacific (New Guinea and Islands Northwards)(ed, com J. W. Davidson e Margaret Davies), Naval Intelligence Division Geographical Handbook Series, HMSO (agosto de 1945)
  • Pacific Islands Volume 1: General Survey(ed, com J. W. Davidson e Margaret Davies), Naval Intelligence Division Geographical Handbook Series, HMSO (Agosto 1945)
  • Malay Fishermen: Their Peasant EconomyLondres: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner (1946)
  • Elements of Social OrganizationLondres: Watts and Co (1951)
  • 'Social Organization and Social Change'Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute84:1–20 (1954)
  • 'Some Principles of Social Organization'Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute85:1–18 (1955)
  • Man and Culture: An Evaluation of the Work of MalinowskiRaymond Firth (ed) (1957)
  • Economics of the New Zealand MāoriWellington: Government Printer (1959) (edição revisada dePrimitive Economics of the New Zealand Māori(1929))
  • Social Change in Tikopia(1959)
  • Essays on Social Organization and ValuesLondon School of Economics Monographs on Social Anthropology, no. 28. Londres: Athlone Press (1964)
  • Tikopia Ritual and Belief(1967)
  • 'Themes in Economic Anthropology: A General Comment' inThemes in Economic AnthropologyRaymond Firth, ed. 1–28. Londres: Tavistock (1967)
  • Rank and Religion in Tikopia(1970)
  • History and Traditions of Tikopia(1971)
  • Symbols: Public and Private(1973)
  • 'The Sceptical Anthropologist? Social Anthropology and Marxist Views on Society' inMarxist Analyses and Social AnthropologyM. Bloch, ed. 29–60. London: Malaby (1975)
  • 'An Appraisal of Modern Social Anthropology'Annual Review of Anthropology4:1–25 (1975)
  • 'Whose Frame of Reference? One Anthropologist's Experience'Anthropological Forum4(2):9–31 (1977)
  • 'Roles of Women and Men in a Sea Fishing Economy: Tikopia Compared with Kelantan' inThe Fishing Culture of the World: Studies in Ethnology, Cultural Ecology and FolkloreBéla Gunda (ed) Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó 1145–1170 (1984)
  • Taranga Fakatikopia ma Taranga Fakainglisi: Tikopia-English Dictionary(1985)
  • Tikopia Songs: Poetic and Musical Art of a Polynesian People of the Solomon Islands.[S.l.]: Cambridge University Press. 2006
  • Religion: A Humanist Interpretation(1996)
  • 'Tikopia Dreams: Personal Images of Social Reality'Journal of the Polynesian Society110(1):7–29 (2001)
  • 'The Creative Contribution of Indigenous People to Their Ethnography'Journal of the Polynesian Society110(3):241–245 (2001)

Os artigos de Sir Raymond Firth são mantidos naLondon School of Economics– incluindo suacoleção fotográfica


  1. Bloch, Maurice (26 de fevereiro de 2002).«Sir Raymond Firth».The Guardian(em inglês).ISSN0261-3077.Consultado em 25 de março de 2023
  3. Huntsman, Judith (2003). "Raymond Firth (1901–2002)".American Anthropologist.
  4. Foks, Freddy (2020) 'Raymond Firth, Between Economics and Anthropology', inBEROSE – International Encyclopaedia of the Histories of Anthropology,Paris.

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