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CRISPR(huk huch'uchasqaclustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeatkuna) nisqaqa hukADNsecuenciakunap ayllun,ñawpaq-kariyutakawsaqkunapgenomankunapitarikuq, ahinataqañaki,ñawpa añaki.[1]Kay secuenciakunaqabacteriófagosnisqapa ADN fragmentos nisqamanta hurqusqam, chaykunam ñawpaqtañawpaq-kariyutanisqaman infectasqa karqa. Chaykunataqa llamk’achinku ADNta riqsinankupaq, chinkachinankupaq ima, chayman rikch’akuq bacteriófagos nisqamanta, qhipa infecciones kaptin. Kayrayku kay secuenciakuna huk clave ruwayta ruwanku kay antiviral (kayqa antifago) sistema de defensa kaqpi kay procariotas kaqmanta chanta huk forma kayinmunidad adquirida kaqmantaqunku.[1][2][3][4]CRISPR tarikun yaqa 50% kaqpi secuenciadokunagenomas bacterianos kaqpichanta yaqa 90% kaqpi kay arqueos secuenciadokuna kaqpi.[5]

tukuyimamanta hallch’asqa qillqa kay CRISPR ñawpaq-kariyta antiviral hark’akuy mecanismomanta[6]
  1. 1,01,1"The roles of CRISPR-Cas systems in adaptive immunity and beyond".Current Opinion in Immunology32:36–41. 2015.Error: Bad DOI specified.PMID25574773.
  2. "What is CRISPR/Cas9?".Archives of Disease in Childhood: Education and Practice Edition101(4): 213–215. August 2016.Error: Bad DOI specified.PMID27059283.
  3. "CRISPR provides acquired resistance against viruses in prokaryotes".Science315(5819): 1709–1712. March 2007.Error: Bad DOI specified.PMID17379808.Bibcode2007Sci...315.1709B.Plantilla:Registration required
  4. "CRISPR interference limits horizontal gene transfer in staphylococci by targeting DNA".Science322(5909): 1843–1845. December 2008.Error: Bad DOI specified.PMID19095942.Bibcode2008Sci...322.1843M.
  5. "The Biology of CRISPR-Cas: Backward and Forward".Cell172(6): 1239–1259. March 2018.Error: Bad DOI specified.PMID29522745.
  6. "CRISPR/Cas, the immune system of bacteria and archaea".Science327(5962): 167–170. January 2010.Error: Bad DOI specified.PMID20056882.Bibcode2010Sci...327..167H.
""p'anqamanta chaskisqa (Wikipedia, Qhichwa / Quechua)