Who Am I?

A graduate with a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Engineering degree. I always have been ambitious about my dreams. I've never stopped myself from learning new things and skills. I am a swift learner.

I’m working on software development since 2018 with.NET technology, and web development since 2016. I've done some professional, and own projects, coded mostly in C#, with ASP.NET, ASP.NET Core framework, and JavaScript, Bootstrap, HTML, and CSS. While studying at university, I have done some projects with C#, C++, Java, and C.

I am very passionate and positive-minded. I never lose belief and hope in myself. I like to do research and analyze. My dream is to contribute to the field of technologies, and I am highly ambitious to create/invent something new. I do believe that "If you can dream it, you can do it", and "People are bigger than their dreams".

My motto:

What I did so far!

Company Description:

Gulf State Software is a USA-based software development company that specializes in desktop, mobile and web applications. We set up projects to assist you in inventing new ideas, modifying, designing, building, integrating, scaling, and upgrading them. Our wide range of custom software, mobile app, and web development solutions help businesses of all sizes perform their jobs better by providing the highest level of services.

My Role:Software Developer

Besides coding, I design the software, requirements, and analysis of the software we work for. After or during the project, I keep giving support and debugging the software and if I find any issue, I resolve it with immediate action.

Project(s) I've worked for:

1. Event Center

  • Mobile Application (Android and iOS)
  • Technology Used:.NET MAUI, GoogleApi, RestApi

    Website Link:Event Center

    2. Amedig Management

  • Web Application
  • Desktop Application
  • iOS Application
  • Technology Used:C# ASP.NET, JSON, Azure DevOps, MSSQL Server, Angular, Bootstrap, Xamarin, WPF, Crystal Reports

    Website Link:Amedig Management

    Worked in this company:August 2022 - present

    Company Description:

    CureTech operates in IT field including solution, architecture, digital strategy, software, hardware, security & data protection, managed services and support.

    CureTech has established in 2008, operates in Australia, USA and Bangladesh. CureTech has delivered nearly 100 solutions of small to large size to 32 companies globally. CureTech works through agile methodologies to deliver safe solution in quickest time.

    Our work is always KPI (Key Performance Indicator) driven – ROI, Revenue, Cost saving, efficiency. If our solution meets the KPI, we bill to customers. It is CureTech's promise. Our managed service and support services are also driven by SLA (Service Level Agreement).

    My Role:Software Engineer

    Besides coding, I design the software, requirements, and analysis of the software we work for. After or during the project, I keep giving support and debugging the software and if I find any issue, I resolve it with immediate action.

    Project(s) I've worked for:

    1. Bachao

  • CMS Application
  • Mobile Application (Backend C#)
  • Technology Used:WebAPI, C#,,NET, Angular, MSSQL

    Website Link:bachao.com.bd

    2. Taja Bajar

  • Web Application
  • Mobile Application (Backend Laravel)
  • Technology Used:PHP, Blade, Bootstrap, CSS, JavaScript, MySQL

    Website Link:tajabajar.com

    3. Faria Nur

  • Web Application
  • Technology Used:Laravel, Bootstrap, CSS, JavaScript

    Website Link:farianur.com

    4. EZCar

  • Web Application
  • Technology Used:PHP, Blade, Bootstrap, CSS, JavaScript, MySQL

    Website Link:ezcar.sale

    Worked in this company:January 2022 - July 2022

    Company Description:

    Ginilab is a software development company based in Sunderland, Tyne & Wear, UK. Over the last few years, they've made a reputation for building desktop software, mobile apps, websites that look great and are easy to use.

    My Role:Software Engineer

    Mostly I was responsible for coding the desktop software and debugging. If found any issue, I resolved it and followed the instructions of higher personnel. Also, I worked on the upgrading of existing software.

    Project(s) I've worked for:

    1. Restaurant Management System

  • Desktop Application
  • Technology Used:ASP.NET,.NET Framework, Git, GitHub, HeidiSQL, MySQL, Laragon, Slack, Hubstaff, Trello

    Worked in this company:August 2021 - January 2022

    Company Description:

    “OurEdu” is a software development company that started its journey in 2017. The mission of “OurEdu” is to deliver web-based education management solutions including the website for educational institutions (especially schools and colleges) all over the world. Currently, OurEdu has two offices. The head office is situated in Australia and the developer office is situated in Bangladesh.

    OE has a highly skilled and experienced team and is focused on delivering robust and market-oriented solutions. Our motivated support team works tirelessly to ensure 24/7 support to provide our customers best quality service in a rapid timeframe.

    My Role:Software Engineer

    Besides coding, I design the software, requirements, and analysis of the software we work for. After or during the project, I keep giving support and debugging the software and if I find any issue, I resolve it with immediate action.

    Project(s) I've worked for:

    1. Account Management System for Shidlai Ashraf Secondary School.

  • Web Application
  • Technology Used:C#, ASP.NET Core 3.1, JavaScript, Bootstrap, CSS, jQuery, JSON, LINQ, and following by Onion Architecture.

    Worked in this company:February 2021 - July 2021

    Organization Description:

    Bangladesh Study Forum (BDSF) is a non-profit knowledge based organization. This organization is worked for spreading knowledge among the people.

    My Role:Head of IT

    I've developed the whole IT system for this organization.

    Website Link:thebdsf.com.Currently, out of reach.

    Worked in this Organization:January 2015 - January 2021

    Worked for: Gulf State Software
    1. Project:Event Center
    Technologies Used:.NET MAUI, GoogleApi, RestApi

    Website Link:Event Center

    2. Project:Amedig Management
    Technologies Used: C# ASP.NET, JSON, Azure DevOps, MSSQL Server, Angular, Bootstrap, Xamarin, Crystal Reports

    Website Link:Amedig

    Worked for: Curetech Limited
    1. Project:Bachao
    Technologies Used: WebAPI, C#,,NET, Angular, MSSQL
    Website Link:bachao.com.bd 2. Project:Taja Bajar
    Technologies Used: PHP, Blade, Bootstrap, CSS, JavaScript, MySQL

    Website Link:tajabajar.com

    3. Project:FN
    Technologies Used: PHP, Blade, Bootstrap, CSS, JavaScript, MySQL

    Website Link:FN

    4. Project:EZCar
    Technologies Used: PHP, Blade, Bootstrap, CSS, JavaScript, MySQL

    Website Link:ezcar.sale

    Worked for: Ginilab Limited
    Project:Restaurant Management System
    Technology Used: ASP.NET,.NET Framework, Git, GitHub, HeidiSQL, MySQL, Laragon, Slack, Hubstaff, Trello

    Website Links:This was a not sharable project from the company. The company is responsible for the project.

    Worked for: OurEdu
    Project:Account Management for School
    Technology Used:.NET Core 3.1, C#, Bootstrap, CSS, JavaScript, MSSQL

    Website Links:This was a not sharable project from the company. The company is responsible for the project.

    Worked for: Assessment
    Project:Online Task Management System
    Technologies Used: PHP, MySQL

    Website Link:Task Management

    Worked for: Personal
    Technologies Used: HTML, CSS, JavaScript

    Website Links:
    1. radipu.me
    2. graphics.radipu.me
    3. MyCV

    Worked for: BDSF
    Technologies Used: WordPress, cPanel

    Website Link:thebdsf.com

    I have experties on ethical hacking and cyber security. I have done courses on ethical hacking from Udemy and cyber security from Offensive Security. I have work with Penetration, Forensics, Reverse Engineering, Social Engineering for cyber security and ethical hacking.

    In the year of 2016, Bangladesh Study Forum had organized an international conference on"International Conference on Envisioning Our Common Future-ICEOCF".I was an organizer of this conference. I was also an organizer on a workshop, organized by"South Asian Journal for Social Science"and"South Asian Youth Research Initiative for Development-SAYRID".

    Book Name:C Programming: A to Z, A Complete Tutorial

    Book Description:

    As a student of CSE, I have always been wonder to do something in this field. After practicing at most 6 years, I have writtern my first book on"C Programming"language, published on 6th February, 2017, at the book fair.

    Publisher:Barnamala Publications

    Published Data: 06 Feb 2017

    Available Link:rokomari.

    I am not only a reader, but also try to write my thoughts, analysis, reviews etc. Find my writes up atBDSF website.

    Bangladesh Study Forum (BDSF)is a non-profit knowledge based organization. This organization is worked for spreading knowledge among the people. I have been working at BDSF as Head of ICT.

    Event Center(Dec 03, 2023- present)

    Amedig(Aug 02, 2022- present)

    MyCV(May 21, 2022- present)

    Faria Nur(Apr 05, 2022-Apr 08, 2022)

    Bachao(Feb 25, 2022-present)

    Taja Bajar(Feb 13, 2022-present)

    EZCar(Jan 25, 2022-Feb 02, 2022)

    Online Task Management System(Jan 13, 2022-Jan 16, 2022)

    • Restaurant Management System (Aug, 2021-)

    Account Management System for Shidlai Ashraf Secondary School(2021)

    51% Attacks on BlockChain: A Solution Architechture for BlockChain to Secure IoT With Proof of Work(2020)

    Personal Informatic Website(2018)

    Personal Graphics Website(2018)

    • Library Management System(2018)

    Please visit the following website for better view:


    I have also worked forJazz Multimediaas acontent directorand as anIT assistantatAdarsha Publications.

    Find my works at:

    What are my experties?

    Programming Languages
    C, C++, Java, JavaScript, C#, R, Python, TypeScript
    .NET,.NET Core,.NET MAUI, Laravel, Django
    Backend Development
    Frontend Development
    VueJS, Angular, HTML5, AngularJS, PHP, Bootstrap3, 4, CSS3, SASS
    Mobile App Development
    Xamarin,.NET MAUI
    AWS, GCP, Azure, Docker, Jenkins, Kubernetes, Bash
    Android Studio, VS Code, Visual Studio, Postman
    Web Development
    Wordpress, Custom
    Source Control
    Git, GitHub
    Oracle, MySQL, MSSQL, PostgreSQL
    Data Structure and Algorithm
    Software Process
    Scrum, Agile, SDLC
    Windows, Linux, macOS
    MS Office, Adobe Creative Cloud
    Cyber Security
    Penetration, Forensics, Reverse Engineering, Social Engineering
    Interpersonal Skills
    Listening, Caring, Leadership, Motivation, Responsibility, Teamwork

    About Me

    Born and brought up in Dhaka, Bangladesh. From the very childhood I am passionate about reading books, and writing. I am an ambivert, a dreamer, a traveler, and try always to be an honest man.

    Physics, Mathematics, Astronomy, Philosophy, Psychology, and of course, Computer Science and Technology are my favorite subjects.



    This isboldand this isstrong.This isitalicand this isemphasized. This issuperscripttext and this issubscripttext. This isunderlinedand this is code:for (;;) {... }.Finally,this is a link.

    Heading Level 2

    Heading Level 3

    Heading Level 4

    Heading Level 5
    Heading Level 6


    Fringilla nisl. Donec accumsan interdum nisi, quis tincidunt felis sagittis eget tempus euismod. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus vestibulum. Blandit adipiscing eu felis iaculis volutpat ac adipiscing accumsan faucibus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus lorem ipsum dolor sit amet nullam adipiscing eu felis.


    i = 0;
    while (!deck.isInOrder()) {
    print 'Iteration ' + i;
    print 'It took ' + i + ' iterations to sort the deck.';



    • Dolor pulvinar etiam.
    • Sagittis adipiscing.
    • Felis enim feugiat.


    • Dolor pulvinar etiam.
    • Sagittis adipiscing.
    • Felis enim feugiat.


    1. Dolor pulvinar etiam.
    2. Etiam vel felis viverra.
    3. Felis enim feugiat.
    4. Dolor pulvinar etiam.
    5. Etiam vel felis lorem.
    6. Felis enim et feugiat.





    Name Description Price
    Item One Ante turpis integer aliquet porttitor. 29.99
    Item Two Vis ac commodo adipiscing arcu aliquet. 19.99
    Item Three Morbi faucibus arcu accumsan lorem. 29.99
    Item Four Vitae integer tempus condimentum. 19.99
    Item Five Ante turpis integer aliquet porttitor. 29.99


    Name Description Price
    Item One Ante turpis integer aliquet porttitor. 29.99
    Item Two Vis ac commodo adipiscing arcu aliquet. 19.99
    Item Three Morbi faucibus arcu accumsan lorem. 29.99
    Item Four Vitae integer tempus condimentum. 19.99
    Item Five Ante turpis integer aliquet porttitor. 29.99


    • Disabled
    • Disabled
