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1909 (MCMIX)a fost un an obișnuit alcalendarului gregorian,care a început într-o zi devineri.

17 februarie: Geronimo, șeful apașilor, moare la vârsta de 79 de ani.
6 aprilie: Exploratorul american,Robert Peary,este primul om care atingePolul Nord.
6 decembrie: Este inauguratăBiserica Sfântul Vasile din București.
  1. ^Charles Morris,Finding the North Pole(W.E. Scull, 1909) pp. 448-49
  2. ^"Old Apache Chief Geronimo is Dead",New York Times,February 18, 1909, p7
  3. ^Brenda Haugen,Geronimo: Apache Warrior(Compass Point Books, 2006), pp93–94
  4. ^John Simeone and David Jacobs,The Complete Idiot's Guide to the FBI(Alpha Books, 2002), pp22, 59
  5. ^Charles B. Hayward,Practical Aeronautics: An Understandable Presentation of Interesting and Essential Facts in Aeronautical Science(American School of Correspondence, 1912), pp41–42
  6. ^Brian Lepard,In the Glory of the Father: The Baha'i Faith and Christianity(Baha'i Publishing Trust, 2008), p50
  7. ^Djordje Krstić and Janez Mayer,Mileva & Albert Einstein: Their Love and Scientific Collaboration(Didakta d.o.o. Radovljica, 2004), p238
  8. ^William Fotheringham,A Century of Cycling: The Classic Races and Legendary Champions(MBI Publishing Company, 2003), p104
  9. ^"Zeppelin Flies Over 24 Hours",New York Times,May 31, 1909, p1
  10. ^"Wright 1,600 Ft. Up In Berlin Flight",New York Times,October 3, 1909, p1
  11. ^"Child Enters Harvard",New York Times,October 10, 1909, p. 1
  12. ^"Nations Hail Peary As Pole Discoverer",New York Times,December 16, 1909, p. 1

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