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Airchitecturis theairtanscienceobigginsan structurs[1]likeyetts,brigs,an ither things that's biggit. Whiles, the pairts aboot the biggins, sic aspadsangairdens,is includit in the design an aw.

Fowk that designs biggins is criedairchitects.[2]They micht be needin skeels in a lot o fields, for ensaumple:mathematics,science,airt,technology,social sciences,politics,historyanphilosophy.

Fowk in unalike kintras an periods o history haes designed biggins in different styles. This micht lippen on theclimate,the materials tae haund for biggin, an fashion.[3]

The earliest airchitectur wis the biggin o semple shielins,bothiesanhooses.

As fowk first begoud tae leeve thegither intounsan ceeties, types o airchitectur becam mair complicate. Some o the auldest biggins that's been fund includes thepeeramidsinEgyptan thezigguratsinMesopotamia,an ither earlietemples.The hooses ordinar fowk bid in wis fairly semple, wee, an close thegither.

The airchitectur o theAuncient GreeksanRomansis criedClessical airchitectur.Some important clessical biggins haesstanecolumnswi complicate designs. Greek columns haesbaukspitten athort them, bit Romans cleckit theairchin their airchitectur that wis spreid athort the Roman Empire.[4]

Indieairchitectur is weel-kent for the stane cairvin o its temples an pailaces. Unalike airchectural styles cam tae the fore inCheenae,Japan,Sootheast Asie,Africae,Mexico,an Central anSooth Americae.

Fowk in Wastern Europe in theMiddle AgesmakkitRomanesque airchitectur,syneGothic airchitectur.Gothic biggins haes lang, pyntitwindaesan airches. A lot okirkshaes Gothic airchitectur. Whan the Normans invadit England it wis merkit that the Ingles likit wee hooses wi a laid o things in them, while the French likit big hooses wi a want o furnitur. A lot ocastleswis biggit at that time an aw. In Eastren Europe, theByzantineinfluence meant that kirks for ordinar haesdomes.

Mosquesmicht hae domes an aw, that's a wey o biggin a braid appen space that can haud mony fowk. This is important for releegious biggins.

TheIndustrial Revolutionled tae new types o biggins for machines an for fowk tae wirk in.Industrial airchitecturis the airchitectur ofactories,mills,an ither wirkin biggins.

Modren airchitecturwis a new type o airchitectur creatit aboot 1900. Modren biggins aften haes a bittie decorement an is aften makkit osteel,gless,anconcrete.

References[eedit|eedit soorce]

  1. "architecture - Expression of technique | Britannica".www.britannica.com(in Inglis).Retrieved16 November2022.
  2. The discipline of architecture.Andrzej Piotrowski, Julia W. Robinson. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. 2001.ISBN978-0-8166-9202-6.OCLC614925078.CS1 maint: others (link)
  3. "7 Things I Learned About" Home "from Talking to Architects on Every Continent".Apartment Therapy(in Inglis).Retrieved16 November2022.
  4. "Introduction to Greek architecture | A beginner's guide to ancient Greece | Khan Academy".web.archive.org.14 October 2014. Archived frae the original on 14 October 2014.Retrieved16 November2022.CS1 maint: BOT: original-url status unknown (link)