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Anglo-Saxonsis the term uisually uised tae describe the invading Germanic tribes in the sooth an aest o Great Breetain frae the early 5t century AD, an thair creation o the Inglis naition, tae the Norman conquest o 1066. The Benedictine monk, Bede, identified them as the descendants o three Germanic tribes:

The Angles, who mey hae come frae Angeln (in modrenGermany), an Bede wrote that thair whole naition came tae Breetain, leaving thair umwhile land empty. The name Ingland (Old Inglish: Engla land or Ængla land) oreeginates frae this tribe). The Saxons, frae Lawer Saxony (in modren Germany; German: Niedersachsen), an Holland The Jutes, frae the Jutland peninsula (in modren Denmark; Danish: Jylland) Thair leid, Old Inglis, derives frae "Ingvaeonic" Wast Germanic dialects an transformed intae Middle Inglis frae the 11t century. Old Inglis wis dividit intae fower main dialects:Wast Saxon,Mercian,NorthumbriananKentish.