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Banner o the Republic o Korea

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TheBannero theRepublic o Korea,orTaegeukgi(an aa spelledTaegukgiin convention) is derived frae the Cheenese design o the yin an yang seembol an haes three pairts: a white background; a reid an bluetaegeukin the centre; an fower blacktrigrams,ane in each corner o the banner.

The general design o the banner an aa derives frae traditional uise o the tricolour seembol (red, blue an yellae) bi Koreans stairtin frae the early era o Korean history. The white background symbolises "cleanliness o the people." TheTaegeukrepresents the origin o aw things in the universe; holding the twa principles o "Yin", the negative aspect rendered in blue, an "Yang", the positive aspect rendered in reid, in perfect balance. Thegither, thay represent a continuous movement athin infinity, the twa mergin as ane. The fower trigrams are

Name inKorean Nature Saisons Cardinal directions Fower virtues Faimily Fower elements Meanings
geon(건 /Càn) sky (천 /Thiên) hairst (춘 /Xuân) east (동 /Đông) humanity (인 /Nhân) faither (부 /Phụ) metal (금 /Kim) juistice (정의 / chính nghĩa )
ri(리 /Ly) sun (일 /Nhật) hairst (추 /Thu) sooth (남 /Nam) courtesy (예 /Lễ) son (중남 /Tử) fire (화 /Hỏa) wisdom (지혜 / trí tuệ )
gam(감 /Khảm) moon (월 /Nguyệt) winter (동 /Đông) north (북 /Bắc) intelligence (지 /Trí) dochhter (중녀 /Nữ) watter (수 /Thủy) vitality (생명력 / sinh mệnh lực )
gon(곤 /Khôn) earth (지 /Địa) simmer (하 /Hạ) wast (서 /Tây) richteousness (의 /Nghĩa) mither (모 /Mẫu) earth (토 /Thổ) fertility (풍요 / phong nhiêu )

Tradeetionally, the fower trigrams are relatit tae theFive Elementso fire, watter, earth,wood,anmetal.An analogy could an aa be drawn wi the fower wastrenclassical elements.