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Naitural philosophy

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(Reguidit fraeBiopheesics)

Naitural philosophyorphysics(frae theGreekφυσικός(phusikós), "naitural", anφύσις(phúsis), "naitur" ) is ascience o naiturin the braidest furm. Naitural philosophy deals wimaiteran energy an the fundamental virrs o naitur that owersees the interactions atween particles. Physicists studie a braid reenge o physical phenomenae, frae the sub-nuclear particles that maks up aw ordinar maiter (particle physics) tae the maiteral Universe as a hail (cosmologie).

Physics is the natural science at involves the study ay matter and its motion benspaceandtime,alang wi related concepts sic asenergyandforce.Mair broadly, it is the general analysis ay nature, conducted in order tae kin hoo theuniversebehaves. It is a body ay the oldest academic disciplines, aiblins the oldest ben its inclusion ay astronomy. Ower the lest tois millennia, physics was a part ay naitural philosophy alang wichemistry,certain branches aymathematics,andbiology,but durin thescientific revolutionin the17th century,the naitural sciences emerged as unique research programs in their ain reit. Physics intersects wi mony interdisciplinary areas ay research, such asbiophysicsand quantum chemistry, and the boondaries ay physics arenae rigidly defined. New ideas in physics aft explain the fundamental mechanisms ay other sciences while openin new avenues ay research in areas sic as mathematics andphilosophy.