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This box shaws the colour blue.

Blueis ane o thecolourso therainbowthat fowk can see. It is ane o the three tradeetionalprimary colours,alang wireidanyellae.It haes the shortestwavelentho thae colours (aboot 470nanometres).

Blue is the colour o theyird'sliftansea.

Meanin o Blue

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It is aften associate wi deepth an stability. It seembolises trust, lealtie, wiceheid, confidence, intelligence, faith, trowth, an heiven.

Blue is considered beneficial tae the mynd an bouk. It slaws a body's metabolism an produces a caumin effect. Blue is strangly associate wi tranquility an caumness. In heraldry, blue is uised tae seembolize piety an sincerity.

Blue is amasculinecolour; accordin tae studies, it is heichly accepted amang males. Daurk blue is associate wi deepth, expertise, an stability; it is a preferred colour for corporate Americae.

Licht blueis associate wi halth, healin, tranquility, unnerstaundin, an lown.

Daurk bluerepresents kennin, pouer, integrity, an seriousness.

ColoursLeet o colours
Cyan Magenta Black Gray Siller White
Reid Orange Yellae Green Blue Indigo Violet
Blae Gowd Olive Purpie Broun Pink