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A man an a woman performing a modren dance.

Dance(fraeauld Frenchdanser,faurder history isna kent) for ordinar refers taehumanmuivementaither uised as a furm oexpressionor presentit in asocial,speeritualorperformancesettin.

Danceis uised tae descrive methods onane-verbal communicationatweenhumansorainimalsan aw (bee dance, matein dance), motion in inanimate objects (the leafs danced in thewind), an certaint muisical furms orgenres.Fowk that dances is caweddancersan the act o dance is kent asdancin.An event whaur dancin taks place micht be caweda dance.Choreographieis theairto makkin dances.

Defineetions o whit constitutes dance lippens on social,cultural,aestheticairteesticanmoralconstraints an reenges frae functional muivement (sic as Folk dance) tae codifee'd,virtuosotechniques sic asballet.Insports,gymnastics,feegur skeitchinansynchronized souminconteensdancedisciplines whileMartial airts'Kata' is aften compeared wi dances.