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Dante Alighieri

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Dante Alighieri(Mey/Juin c.1265 – September 14, 1321), commonly kent asDante,wis anItalianpoet o theMiddle Ages.He wis born inFlorence;he dee'd an is buried inRavenna. The nameDanteis, accordin tae the words oJacopo Alighieri,ahypocorismforDurante.In contemporary documents it is followed bi thepatronymicAlagheriiorde Alagheriis;it wisBoccacciowho popularized the formAlighieri.

HisDivine Comedy,oreeginally cawedCommediabi the author an later nicknamedDivinabiBoccaccio,is aften considered the greatest literary work componed in theItalian leidan a masterpiece o warldliterature.[1]

In Italy he is kent as "the Supreme Poet" (il Sommo Poeta) or juistil Poeta.Dante,Petrarch,anBoccaccioar forby kent as "the three fountains" or "the three crouns". Dante is cawed the "Faither o the Italian leid" an aa.


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  1. Bloom, Harold(1994).The Western Canon.