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Temporal range:Mid Cambrian–Recent
Giant grouper soummin amang schuils o ither fish
Giant groupersoummin amangschuilso ither fish
Heid-on view o a reid lionfish
Heid-on view o areid lionfish
Scienteefic clessificationEdit this classification
Kinrick: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Clade: Olfactores
Subphylum: Vertebrata
Groups included
Jawless fish
Airmoured fish
Spiny sharks
Cartilaginous fish
Banie fish
Ray-finned fish
Lobe-finned fish
Cladeesticallyincludit but tradeetionally excludit taxa

Fishare thegill-beirinaquaticcraniateainimals that lacklimmswideegits.Thay form a sister group tae thetunicates,thegither formin theolfactores.Includit in this defineetion are the leevinhagfish,lampers,ancartilaginousanbanie fishas weel as various extinct relatit groups.Tetrapodsemerged athinlobe-finned fishes,saecladisticallythay are fish as weel. Houiver, tradeetionally fish are renderedparaphyleticbi excludin the tetrapods (i.e., theamphibians,reptiles,birdsanmammals). Acause in this manner the term "fish" is defined negatively as a paraphyletic group, it is nae conseedert a formal taxonomic groupin inseestematic biology.The tradeetional termpisces(an aaichthyes) is conseedert a teepological, but nae aphylogeneticclessification.

The earliest organisms that can be clessifee'd as fish war saft-bodiedchordatesthat first appeared in theCambrianperiod. Awtho thay lacked atrue spine,thay possessednotochordsthat alloued them tae be mair agile nor thair invertebrate coonterpairts. Fish wad conteena tae evolve throu thePaleozoicera, diversifeein intae a wide variety o forms. Mony fish o the Paleozoic developedexternal airmourthat pertectit them frae predators. The first fish wijawsappeared in theSilurianperiod, efter that mony (sic asshairks) becam formidable marine predators raither than juist the prey oarthropods.

Maist fish areectothermic( "cauld-bluidit" ), allouin thair bouk temperaturs tae vary as ambient temperaturs cheenge, tho some o the lairge active soummers likwhite sharkantunacan hauld a heichercore temperatur.[1][2]Fish are abundant in maist bouks o watter. Thay can be foond in nearly aw aquatic environments, frae heich moontain streams (e.g.,Salvelinusangudgeon) tae theabyssalan evenhadaldeepths o the deepest oceans (e.g.,gulpersananglerfish). Wi 33,600 descrived species, fish exhibit greater species diversity than ony ither group o vertebrates.[3]

Fish are an important resoorce for humans warldwide, especiallyas fuid.Commercial an subsistence fishers hunt fish inwild fisheries(seefishin) orfermthem in ponds or in cages in the ocean (seeaquacultur). Thay are an aa catcht birecreautional fishers,kept as pets, raised bifishkeepers,an exhibitit in publicaquaria.Fish hae haed a role in cultur throu the ages, servin asdeities,releegious seembols, an as the subjects o airt, beuks an films.

References[eedit|eedit soorce]

  1. Goldman, K.J. (1997)."Regulation of body temperature in the white shark,Carcharodon carcharias".Journal of Comparative Physiology.B Biochemical Systemic and Environmental Physiology.167(6): 423–429.doi:10.1007/s003600050092.Archived fraethe originalon 6 Apryle 2012.Retrieved12 October2011.
  2. Carey, F.G.; Lawson, K.D. (Februar 1973). "Temperature regulation in free-swimming bluefin tuna".Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology A.44(2): 375–392.doi:10.1016/0300-9629(73)90490-8.
  3. "FishBase".FishBase.August 2017.Retrieved31 August2017.