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Fridayis thedayo theweekatweenFuirsdayanSetturday.Its name comes fae the goddess Frige o Germanic mythologie.

In maist areas wi a five-day wirkin week, Friday is the hindmaist warkday afore theweekendan is tharefore seen as a cause for celebration or relief, leadin tae the sayinTGIF,an abbreviation forThank God It's FridayorThank Goodness It's Friday.(The phrase wis faur ben cause o a film in the 1970s.) The phrase is the inspiration for the restaurant, aptly named,T.G.I. Friday's. In some offices, employees is allood tae weir less formal claes on Fridays, kent as Casual Friday or Dress-Doun Friday.

InIslam,Friday is the day o public wirship in mosques. In some Islamic kintras, the week stairts on Sunday an ends on Setturday, juist lik the Jewish an Christian week. In ithers, sic asIrananAfghanistan,the week stairts on Setturday an ends on Friday.

TheJewishSawbath stairts atsunseton Friday an runs til sunset onSetturday.

InChristianity,the Friday aforeEasteris celebratit as Good Friday tae commemorate the crucifixion oJesus.Some Christians will haud by eatin meat on Fridays, an will aften hae fish in its steid.

The name for the day inArabic,Armenian,Georgian,Greek,EbreuanPortugueseis "saxt day".Quakerstradeitionally caws Friday the "Saxt Day" an aw, eschewin the "heathen" oreegin o the name.

In some culturs, Friday is thocht o asunlucky,specially whan this is Friday the 13t,13bein an wanchancy nummer. This is parteecular the case in maritime circles; in ae (untrue[1]) story aRyal Navyship HMSFridaywis laid doun on a Friday, lenched on a Friday an captained bi a Captain Friday an wis never heard o again.

Several historical disasters at happent on Fridays is kent as Black Friday.

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  • In the popular rhyme, "Friday's bairn is lovin an giein".
  • In the beukRobinson Crusoe,Friday is the name o a American Indian cannibal that wis haint bi the protagonist on a Friday an became his servand.
  • Cadbury promotit a chocolate baur wi the sloganThank Crunchie it's Friday.
  • In a reference tae "TGI Friday", maverickBreetishtelly host Chris Evans made the telly programme TFI Friday, its ineetials supposedly staundin for "ThankFourIt's "(Four wis a reference taeChannel 4,the telly station) – onie ither meanin for theFwis a maiter for the viewer's ain imaginations.
  • Fridayis a beuk bi Robert A. Heinlein.
  • Fridayis a film wi rapperIce Cubein it.

Fremmit airtins

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  1. "Naval Friday 13th myth unfounded"(in Inglis). 12 Julie 2007.Retrieved23 Januar2023.