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Gagauz Yeri
Banner Seal
(Banner) (Seal)
Caipital(an lairgest ceety) Comrat
Offeecial leid Gagauz,Romanian,Roushie
- Govrenor
- Chairman o the Fowkassembly
Pairlamentary seestem
Mihail Formuzal
Ana Harlamenco
- Tot

1,832 km2km²
707 sq mi
- 2010 Estimate

- Creatit
23 December 1994
Siller Moldovan leu(MDL)
Time zone UTC +2,Simmer: UTC +3
Naitional anthem Tarafim

Gagauzie(Gagauz:GagauziyaorGagauz Yeri;Romanie:Găgăuzia;Roushie:Гагаузия), formally kent as theAutonomous Territorial Unit o Gagauzie (Gagauz Yeri)(Gagauz:Avtonom Territorial Bölümlüü Gagauz Yeri,Romanie:Unitatea Teritorială Autonomă Găgăuzia,Roushie: Автономное территориальное образование Гагаузия /Avtonomnoe territorial'noe obrazovanie Gagauziya), is anautonomous regionoMoldovae.Its name comes frae the wird, "Gagauz",whilk in turn maist likely comes frae the name,Gok-oguz,whilk refers tae descendants o theOghuztribe oTurkey.

Accordin tae some theories, the Gagauz people descend frae theSeljuqTurksthat settled inDobruja,or fraePechenegs,Uz (Oghuz) anCuman(Kipchak) people that followed the Anatolian SeljuqSultanIzzeddin Keykavus II(1236–1276). Mair specifically, ane clan of Oghuz Turks migrated tae the Balkans during the inter-tribal conflicts wi ither Turks. This Oghuz Turk clan converted fraeIslamtaeOrthodox Christianityefter settling in the Eastern Balkans (inBulgaria) an war cried Gagauz Turks.[citation needit]A lairge group of the Gagauz later left Bulgaria an settled in soothrenBessarabia,alang wi a group ofethnic Bulgarians.

Accordin tae ither theories Gagauz are descendants of linguistically Turkified Bulgarians.[1] In the offeecial Gagauz museum, a plaque mentions that ane of the twa main theories is that thay descend frae the Bulgars.

Roushie Empire

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In 1812, Bessarabie, previously the eastren hauf of thePrincipality o Moldavie,became pairt of theRoushie Empire,anNogaitribes that inhabited several villages in sooth Bessarabia (orBudjak) war forced tae leave. Atween 1812 an 1846, Roushies settled the Gagauz people frae what is nowadays eastren Bulgaria (whilk remained unnerOttoman Empire) tae the orthodox Bessarabia, mainly in the settlements vacate bi the Nogai tribes. Thay settled thare in parallel wiBessarabian BulgariansinAvdarma,Comrat,Congaz,Tomai,Cişmichioi,an ither umwhile Nogai veelages. Some Gagauz war settled in the pairt o the Principality of Moldavia that didna come unner Roushie control in 1812, but athin several years veelage bi veelage muived tae the compact aurie thay indwell the day in the sooth o Bessarabia.

Wi the exception o a five-dayde factounthirldom in the winter of 1906, whan a peasant uprising declared an autonomousRepublic of Comrat,Gagauzians haes been ruled bi the Roushie Empire (1812–1917),Romania(1918–1940 an 1941–1944), the Soviet Union (1940–1941 an 1944–1991), an Moldova (1917–1918 an 1991 tae date).

Gagauz nationalism remained an intellectual muivement in the 1980s, but strengthened bi the end o the decade, as the Soviet Union began tae embrace democratic ideals. In 1988, activists frae the local intelligentsia aligned wi ither ethnic minorities tae creaut a movement kent as the "Gagauz People". A year later, the "Gagauz People" held its first assembly in whilk a resolution wis passed tae demand the creation an autonomous territory in soothren Moldova, wi the ceety of Comrat as its caipital. The Gagauzian naitional movement intensified whan Romanian wis acceptit as the offeecial leid of the Republic of Moldova in August 1989, replacing Roushie, the offeecial leid o theUSSR.A pairt of the multiethnic population of southren Moldova regarded this decision wi concern, precipitating a lack o confidence in the central govrenment inChişinău.The Gagauz war fashin aboot the implications for them if Moldova reunited wi Romania, as seemed lik at the time. In August 1990, Comrat declared itsel an autonomous republic, but the Moldovan govrenment annulled the declaration as unconstitutional. At that time,Stepan Topalemerged as the leader of the Gagauz naitional movement.

Independent Moldovae

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Cairt o Gagauzie.
Walcome tae Gagauzie sign

Support for the Soviet Union remained heich, wi areferendumin Mairch 1991 returning an awmaist unanimous vote in favour of remainin pairt of the USSR. Mony Gagauz supported theMoscow coup attemptin August 1991, an Gagauzia declared itself independent on 19 August 1991, followed in September biTransnistria,sicweys further straining relations wi Chişinău. Houiver, when the Moldovan pairlament voted on whether Moldova should acome independent on 27 August 1991, sax of the twal Gagauz deputies in Moldovan pairlament voted in favour, while the ither sax did nae participate. Eventually, the Moldovan govrenment toned doun its pro-Romanian stance an peyed mair attention taeminority rights[citation needit].

In Februar 1994, PresesMircea Snegurpromised the Gagauz autonomy, but he wis against outright unthirldom. He wis an aa opposed tae the suggestion that Moldova acome a federal state made up of three republics, Moldova, Gagauzia, an Transnistria.

In 1994, the pairlament of Moldova awairdit tae "the people of Gagauzia" (throu the adoption of the new Constitution of Moldova) the right of "external sel-determination". On 23 December 1994, the pairlament of the Republic of Moldova acceptit the "Law on the Special Legal Status of Gagauzia" (Gagauz:Gagauz Yeri), resolving the dispute peacefully. This date is nou a Gagauz holiday. Gagauzia is nou a "national-territorial autonomous unit" wi three offeecial leids, Romanian, Gagauz, an Roushie.

Three ceeties an twinty-three communes war included in the Autonomous Gagauz Territory: aw localities wi ower 50% Gagauz, an those localities wi atween 40% an 50% Gagauz which expressed thair desire tae be included as a result of referendums tae determine Gagauzia's borders. In 1995,Georgi Tabunshikwis elected tae serve as theGovernor(Romanian:Guvernator,Gagauz:Bashkan) of Gagauzia for a fower-year term, as war the deputies of the local pairlament, "The People's Assembly" (Gagauz: "Halk Toplushu" ), wiPetr Pashaliaschairman.

Dmitrii Croitor won the 1999 Governor elections an began tae mak uise of the rights granted tae the Governor bi the 1994 agreement. The central authorities of Moldova proved unwilling tae accept the results initiating a lengthy staund-off atween the autonomy an Chişinău. Finally Croitor resigned in 2002 due tae the pressure frae the Moldovan govrenment which accused him of abuse of authority, relations wi the separatist authorities of Transnistria an ither charges. The central electoral commission of Gagauzia did nae register Croitor as a candidate for the post of the Governor in the subsequent elections an Gheorgi Tabunshik wis elected in what wis describit as unfair elections.[2][3]

The present Govrenor o Gagauzie isMihail Formuzal(frae 2006).


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Gagauzia is dividit intae three destricts. It is split intae fower enclaves. The main, central enclave includes the ceeties Comrat anCeadîr-Lungaan is dividit intae twa destricts wi those ceeties servin as admeenistrative centers. The seicont lairgestenclaveis locatit aroond the ceety oVulcăneşti,while twa smawer enclaves are the veelages oCopceacanCarbalia.The veelage o Carbalia faws unner admeenistration o Vulcanesti, while Copceac is pairt o Ceadir-Lunga destrict.

Admeenistrative diveesions

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Gagauzie consists o ane municipality, twa ceeties, an twinty-three communes containin a tot o thirty-twa localities.[4]

Offeecial name Gagauz name %Gagauzians
Comrat(municipality) 72.8%
Ceadîr-Lunga(city) Çadır-Lunga 73.7%
Vulcăneşti, loc. st. c. f.
Avdarma 94.2%
Baurci Baurçi 97.9%
Beşalma 96.7%
Beşgöz 93.0%
Bugeac Bucak 61.8%
Carbalia Kırbaalı 70.2%
Offeecial name Gagauz name % Gagauzians
Cazaclia Kazayak 96.5%
Chioselia Rusă(Chioselia Mică) Köseli Rus 25.2%
Chiriet-Lunga Kiriyet-Lunga 92.6%
Chirsova Kirsova 45.6%
Cioc-Maidan Çokmeydan 93.1%
Cişmichioi(Cişmechioi) Çeşmeköy 94.4%
Congaz Kongaz 96.1%
Congazcicul de Sus(Congazul-Mic)
Congazcicul de Jos
Kıpçak 95.0%
Offeecial name Gagauz name % Gagauzians
Cotovscoe(Cârlăneni) Kırlannar 95.4%
Dezghingea(Dezghinge) Dezgincä 94.5%
Etulia Nouă
Etulia, loc. st. c. f.
Ferapontievca(Feraponteanca) 28.0%
Gaidar(Gaidari) Haydar 96.5%
Joltai(Djoltai) Coltay 96.0%
Alexeevca (Alexeeni)
Tomai Tomay 95.1%

The autonomy of Gagauzia is guaranteed bi the Moldovan constitution an regulated bi the 1994 Gagauz Autonomy Act. If Moldova decidit tae unite wi Romania, Gagauzia wad hae the right of self-determination.[5][6]The Gagauzian People's Assembly (Adunarea Populară;Gagauz:Halk Topluşu) haes a mandate for lawmaking powers within its ain jurisdiction. This includes laws on eddication, cultur, local development, budgetary an taxation issues, social security, an questions of territorial admeenistration. The People's Assembly an aa haes twa special powers: it mey participate in the formulation of Moldova's internal an foreign policy; an, should central regulations interfere wi the jurisdiction of Gagauz-Yeri, it haes the right of appeal tae Moldova'sConstitutional Court.

The heichest offeecial of Gagauzia, who heads the executive power structur, is the Governor of Gagauzia (Romanian:Guvernatorul Găgăuziei;Gagauz:Bashkan). He or she is elected bi popularsuffragefor a fower-year term. He haes power ower aw public administrative bodies of Gagauzia, an is an aa a member of the Govrenment of the Republic of Moldova. Eligibility for governorship requires fluency in the Gagauz leid, Moldovan citizenship, an a minimum age of 35 years.

Permanent executive power in Gagauz-Yeri is exercised bi the Executive Committee (Comitetul ExecutivorBakannik Komiteti). Its members are appyntit bi the Governor, or bi asimple majorityvote in the Assembly at its first session. The Committee ensures the application of the laws of the Republic of Moldova an those of the Assembly of Gagauz-Yeri.

As pairt o its autonomy, Gagauzie haes its awnpolisforce.[7]

Gagauz Khalkyis a umwhile Gagauz separatist poleetical pairty, nou ootlawed.


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Durin the last three electionsAEIincrease o 872.4%

Pairlament elections results
2010 23.44%13,380 59.97%34,224
Julie 2009 11.32%6,482 77.78%44,549
Aprile 2009 2.43%1,376 63.69%36,094
edSummary o 28 November 2010pairlament o Moldovaeelection resultsin Gagauzie
Pairties an coalitions Votes % +/−
Pairty o Communists o the Republic o Moldovae 34,224 59.97 −17.81
Democratic Pairty o Moldovae 9,115 15,97 +10.09
Humanist Pairty o Moldovae 3,722 6.52 +6.52
Social Democratic Pairty 3,686 6.46 -3.41
Leeberal Democratic Pairty o Moldovae 3,581 6.27 +4.99
Ither Pairty 2,770 4.81 -0.38
Tot (turnoot 51.36%) 57,596 100.00

The base of the Gagauzian economy isagricultur,parteecularlyviticulture.The main export products arewine,sunflower oil,non-alcoholic beverages,oo,laitherantextiles.Thare are twal wineries, processing ower 400,000 tonnes annually. Thare are an aa twa oil factories, twa cairpet factories, ane meat factory, an ane non-alcoholic beverages factory.


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Thare are 451 kilometers o roads in Gagauzie, o which 82% are pavit.Turkeyloaned Moldovae 35 million dollars tae impruive Gagauzie's road netwirk.


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Accordin tae 1 Januar 2011 census, Gagauzie haed a population o 160,700, o which 40,4%urbanan 59.6%ruralpopulation.

  • Births(2010): 2042 (12.7 per 1000)
  • Daiths(2010): 1868 (11.6 per 1000)
  • Growthe Rate (2010): 174 (1.1 per 1000)

Ethnic composition

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Accordin tae the 2004 census results, the ethnic brakdoun in Gagauzie wis:[8]

Ethnic group Population Percent o tot
Gagauz 127,835 82.1%
Bulgaries 8,013 5.1%
Moldovans 7,481 4.8%
Roushies 5,941 3.8%
Ukrainians 4,919 3.2%
Romanies 38 0.0%
Ithers 1,409 0.9%


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Thare is anongoin controversyower whetherRomaniesanMoldovansare the same ethnic group. At the census, ivery ceetizen coud anerlie declare ane naitionality. Consequently, ane coud no declare anesel baith Moldovan an Romanie. The combined figur for Moldovans (Romanies) is 7,519 (4.85%).

Cultur an education

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Gagauzia haes fifty-five schuils, the Comrat Pedagogical College (heich schuil+twa years ower heich schuil), anComrat State University(Universitatea de Stat din Comrat[9]).Turkeyfinancit the creation o aTurkiscultural centre (Türk İşbirliği Ve Kalkınma İdaresi Başkanlığı) an aTurkisleebrar (Atatürk Kütüphanesi). In the veelage o Beşalma, thare is a Gagauz historical an ethnographical museum established bi Dmitrii Kara Coban.

Despite declarinGagauzas the naitional leid o the Autonomy, the local authorities dae no provide ony full Gagauz-teachin schuil, maist o those areRoushie-leidas opposed tae inner Moldovan fullRomanie leideddication.[10]Tho introducin tae aw fower uisual for schuil leids (Roushie, Romanie, Inglis or French, Gagauz), the local ane stays in the last place.[11]


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  1. Стойков, Руси. Селища и демографски облик в Североизточна България и Южна Добруджа, Известия на Варненското археологическо дружество, т. XV, 1964, с. 98.
  2. Information on previous elections of Governor of Gagauz ATUArchived2018-06-20 at theWayback Machine(in Inglis)(in Roushie)(in Romanie))
  3. Moldova Strategic Conflict Assessment (SCA)Archived2007-10-25 at theWayback Machine,Stuart Hensel, Economist Intelligence Unit.
  4. (in Romanie)Organic Law No. 292-XIV (see Annex 4)Archived2007-09-26 at theWayback Machine,Republic of Moldova, 19 February 1999.
  5. East - West Working Group. Levente Benkö.Autonomy in Gagauzia: A Precedent for Central and Eastern Europe?Archived2003-03-20 at theWayback Machine
  6. "Opinion on the Law on Modification and Addition in the Constitution of the Republic of Moldova in Particular Concerning the Status of Gagauzia".Council of Europe.2002.Archivedfrae the original on 12 December 2012.Retrieved24 November2007.
  7. (in Romanie)Moldovan law on the special legal status o Gagauzie
  8. 2004 census results
  9. Comrat, str. Galaţan, 17, tel: (0-298) 2-43-45
  10. "Archived copy".Archived fraethe originalon 14 Julie 2011.Retrieved20 Mairch2012.CS1 maint: archived copy as title (link)
  11. http://www.gagauzi.ru/2009-09-22-17-54-41/65-panorama/75-2009-09-23-00-50-30[deid airtin]

Further readin

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  • Shabashov A.V., 2002, Odessa, Astroprint,"Gagauzes: terms of kinship system and origin of the people",(Шабашов А.В.,"Гагаузы: система терминов родства и происхождение народа")
  • Chinn, Jeff (1998)."Territorial autonomy in Gagauzia".Nationalities Papers.26(1): 87–101.doi:10.1080/00905999808408552.Unknown parameter|month=ignored (help);Unknown parameter|coauthors=ignored (|author=suggested) (help)
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Coordinates:46°18′59″N28°39′59″E/ 46.31639°N 28.66639°E/46.31639; 28.66639