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Clockwise frae tap-left: View ofGlesga Science Centre,Duke o Wellington statue ootsideGallery o Moadern Airt,Ryal Exchange Squerr,ceetyscape view fraeThe Lighthouse,Gilbert Scott Biggin oVarsity o Glesga,Finnieston Crane,Glesga Ceety Chambers

Glasgow Coat o Airms
Glesga is located in Scotland
Location withinScotland
Area175.5 km2(67.8 sq mi)[1]
Population596,550 (2013)[2]
Density8,541.8/sq mi (3,298.0/km2)
Metro[citation needit]Est. 2,850,000
LeidInglis,Scots,Scots Gaelic
OS grid referenceNS590655
Edinburgh49 mi (79 km)
Lunnon352 mi (566 km)
Sovereign stateUnitit Kinrick
Post tounGLASGOW
Postcode destrictG1–G80
Diallin code0141
EU PairlamentScotland
Leet o places
55°51′28.8″N4°15′32.4″W/ 55.858000°N 4.259000°W/55.858000; -4.259000Coordinates:55°51′28.8″N4°15′32.4″W/ 55.858000°N 4.259000°W/55.858000; -4.259000

Glesga(Inglis:Glasgow;Scots Gaelic:Glaschu) isScotland's lairgest ceetie an the third lairgest ceetie o theUnitit Kinrick.It is fund on theRiver Clydein the wast-mids o Scotland. Fowk in the wast o Scotland ken it as Glesga orGlesca[4]an folk fae the east maistly caw it Glesga orGlasgae.

The ceetie

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The Ceetie o Glesga is kent as the caipital o commerce fur Scotland. It's a awfy thrang cosmopolitanEuropeanceetie. It haes a population o 1,700,000 fowk, doun fae its 1960s heichness o 2.1 million, this's maistly doon tae owerskail o fowks intil new touns likEast KirkbrideanCummernaud.

Name o the ceetie

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The name o the ceetie comes faeglas cöüin theCumbric leid(an auld Brythonicceltic leid.) The modren name fur the ceetie inGaelicGlaschu,meanin "grein howe" or "dear grein steid" whit haes bein aftin misquotit as a Gaelic owersettin fur the ceetie, but this wis actuallyDaniel Defoe's ootlinin o the ceetie whan he came in e 18th century; he haed quo thit Glesga wis "the cleanest and beautifullest, and best built City in Britain,Londonexcepted"an aw. At that time, the ceetie wis biggit wi gey attractive, compact widden biggins, nane o thaim ur staundin, still. Glesga is the thrid maist faur ben tourist destination in the UK ahintLunnonanEdinburghan it haes Britain's seicont lairgest shoppin centre.

Coat o airms

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Thecoat o airmsshaws Glesga'spatron saunt,Saunt Kentigern, kent asSaunt Mungoforby, an it his fower emblems - a bird, a tree, a bull, an a fish. The emblems representsmiraclesSaunt Mungo is said tae hae performt. The motto o the ceetie is"Let Glasgow Flourish"an this is pairt o the airms. The motto comes fae Saunt Mungo's oreiginal sermon:"Let Glasgow flourish by the preaching of the word and the praising of thy name".The oríginal version is written on a bell shapit in 1637 thit says "Lord let Glasgow flovrichse throvgh the preaching of thy word and praising thy name".

Local bairns is taucht tae mynd the airms uisin the follaein verse:

Here's the bird that never flew
Here's the tree that never grew
Here's the bell that never rang
Here's the fish that never swam

The motto wis o shortsyne mynt in a sang caw'd "Mother Glasgow" biMichael Marra,an forby recordit biHue and Cry,a faur benmuisic curno Glesga orígin.

Foondin o the ceetie

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Glesga wis the steid o monie communities fur hunners o years afore Christ, wi theRiver Clydeprovidin a guid settin fur fishin. TheRomansaftentimes bug ootposts in ða airt an, tae haud RomanBritanniaapairt fae theCelticanPechtCaledonia,bug theAntonine Waw,thit can be seen in Glesga the day.

Glesga itsel wis foondit bi theChristianmeesionarSaunt Mungo in the 6t century. He foondit a kirk on theMolendinar Burn,whaur theGlasgow Cathedralnou staunds, an in the eftergangin years Glesga becam a releegious centre.

Glesga Cathedral

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Bi the 12t century Glesga haed been gien the staundin o whit can nou be cawed a ceetie an the cathedral wis the saite o theBishops an Archbishops o Glesga.While thare micht hae been widden biggins on the site, the first stane cathedral wis consecrate in aboot 1136 an gotten rid o fur a muckler ane that wis consecrate in 1197. Ootjets an alterins tae the cathedral biggins haes gaen on sin syne. The maist recent addition is the Millenium Windae unveiled on 3 Juin 1999 biPrincess Anne.

Varsitie o Glesga

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In 1451, theVarsitie o Glesgawis foondit bipapal bullan estaiblisht in relígious biggins in the precincts o Glesga Cathedral. Bi the stairt o the 16t century, Glesga haed turnt intae an important relígious an academic ceetie an bi the 17t century the varsitie haed flittit fae the cathedral precincts til its ain biggin in the Hie Street.

Industrie an the Industrial Revolution

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Bi the 16t yearhunner, the ceety's treds begoud tae wald signíficant influence an the ceetie haed turnt intae an important centre o troke wi the Clyde giein access tae the ceetie an the lave o Scotland fur merchand shippin. The ingate intil the Atlantic Ocean alloued the inbringin o Americantobaccaan Caribbeansuccar,thit wis than tredit athort the Brítish Isles an continental Europe.

The de-siltin o the Clyde in the 1770s alloued lairger ships tae muive faurer up the river, thus layin the foonds fur industrie an shipbiggin in Glesga in the 19t yearhunner.

The rowth ocoalanironinLanrickshireled tae Glesga becomin an industrial ceetie — in the hinder end cawed "TheSeicont ceetieo the Empire ".Cottonfactories an textile mills made employers o monie fowk in Glesga an the local airt.

Troke alloued muckle walth tae be generatit fur some fowk in the ceetie. The merchands makkit spectacular biggins an monuments thit can be seen the day, still, an reinvestit thair siller in development fur tae help Glesga growe further. In 1893 the burgh wis constitutit as the Coontie o the ceetie o Glesga. Glesga becam ane o the walthiest ceeties in the warld, an pairks, museums an libraries wis aa opened throu this time.


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As weel as bein whit ye caw a bodie fae Glesga,Gleswegian,the Patter,the Auld ScotchanGlesga Scotsis whit fowk caw the byleid (Wast Midland Scots) uised bi monie fowk in the ceetie an thon airt. Modren anglocentrism an puir media pentin o the byleid (e.g. linkin it wineddism) means thit it is leukit at as a shamefu thing yet ye can airt oot no juist a walth o vocabular but the daurk humour fund in wree turns o phrase thit comes fae a profund common experience.

A Gleswegian in fou speed is haurd tae unnerstaun e'en fur thair níbours in Embro. Glesga an thon airt are yin o the least Scots-speakin airts o Scotland, an has tint mony tradítional kenspeckles that's tae be fund in ither Scots byleids the day. As sic, it has come up wi mony new Scots words an saws that marras chenges gauin on in Glesga an Scots society.[5]It is kenspeckle inScots literaturein and outwith Scotland.[6]

Weegieis aslangword for a bodie or thing that hails fae Glesga an aw. It is maistlins uised in the East coast, particularly in Embro. Awtho it is nae aye the case in the East coast it is thocht by maist Gleswegians an fowk frae the wast-coast tae be awfu offensive.

Hampden Pairk

Glesga's main sport is nae doutfitbaas the ceetie is hame tae Scotland's twa maist muckle fitba teams (Rangers Fitba ClubanCeltic Fitba Club) as weel as the Scots Naitional Fitba Team's grund,Hampden Pairk.It is byordinar fur a ceetie thit isnae the caipital tae hae the naitional fitba grund. Thare are wee coars an aw: Queen's Park, thit plays at Hampden Pairk, Partick Thristle, an Clyde.

Glesga haes a rugby team an aw (Glesga Warriors) thit play inScotstoun.

Ither sports

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Glasgow is ane o five places in Scotland thit hauds the final o the Scots Cup oShinty,kent mair as theCamanachd Cup.This is ordinar haudit at Auld Anniesland. Ance hame tae numerous Shinty clubs, thare is nou anly ane senior club in Glesga, Glesga Mid-Argyll, as weel as twa varsity sides faeVarsity o StrathclydeanVarsity o Glesga.

Glesga pit in abidtae haud the2018 Simmer Youth Olympicsbut lost taeBuenos Airesin the 4 Julie 2013 vote.[7]


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Glesga Unnergrund

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A cairt o theGlesga Subway.

Glesgae haes a símple unnergrund sýstem thit coníst o twa lines gaein aroond a single loop wi sindry staps aboot Glesga.

Twin touns an sister ceeties

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Glesga istwinnedwi various ceeties.[8]


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  1. "Analyser UV02"(in Inglis). Archived fraethe originalon 30 September 2007.Retrieved4 August2007.
  2. "Mid-2013 Population Estimates Scotland"(PDF)(in Inglis). gro-scotland.gov.uk. Archived fraethe original(PDF)on 17 Julie 2014.Retrieved7 Julie2014.
  3. "2007 Population Estimates"(PDF)(in Inglis). Archived fraethe original(PDF)on 27 Februar 2008.Retrieved16 Januar2008.
  4. Robinson, Mairi (1985).The Concise Scots Dictionary(in Inglis). Aberdeen: Aberdeen University Press. p. 236.ISBN0-08-028492-2.
  5. "Glasgow patter series:" The Invisible Language"".Centre for the Scots Leid.Retrieved20 September2020.
  6. Hagan, Anette I. (2002)Urban Scots Dialect Writing.Bern: Lang.
  7. "Buenos Aires elected as Host City for 2018 Youth Olympic Games".www.olympic.org(Press release) (in Inglis). 4 Julie 2013.Retrieved8 September2020.
  8. "Glasgow City Council > More Services > Twin Cities".glasgow.gov.uk(in Inglis). Glasgow City Council. Archived fraethe originalon 17 Mairch 2023.Retrieved31 August2020.
  9. Pessotto, Lorenzo."International Affairs - Twinnings and Agreements".International Affairs Service in cooperation with Servizio Telematico Pubblico(in Inglis). City of Torino.Archivedfrae the original on 18 Juin 2013.Retrieved6 August2013.
  10. "Glasgow 'twinned' with Lahore"(in Inglis). Web.archive.org. 29 November 2006.Archivedfrae the original on 29 November 2006.Retrieved12 September2009.
  11. "Bethlehem is city's latest twinned town".Evening Times(in Inglis). 13 Apryle 2007.Retrieved8 September2020.
  12. "Bethlehem Municipality"(in Inglis). www.bethlehem-city.org. Archived fraethe originalon 24 Julie 2010.Retrieved10 October2009.

Cooncil areas o Scotland
naitional Banner o Scotland

Ceity o Aiberdeen| Aiberdeenshire| Angus| Argyll an Bute| Clackmannanshire| Dumfries an Gallowa| Ceetie o Dundee| East Ayrshire| East Dunbartonshire| East Lowden| East Renfrewshire| Edinburgh| Fawkirk| Fife| Ceetie o Glesga| Hieland| Inverclyde| The Mairches| Midlowden| Moray| North Ayrshire| North Lanrikshire| Orkney| Perth an Kinross| Renfrewshire| Shetland| Sooth Ayrshire| Sooth Lanrikshire| Stirlin| Wast Dunbartonshire| Wast Lowden| The Waster Isles