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Black goby (Gobius niger)
Scientific classificatione
Kinrick: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Cless: Actinopterygii
Order: Gobiiformes
Faimily: Gobiidae
G. Cuvier,1816

Gobiidaeis afaimilyobanie fishin theorderGobiiformes,ane o the lairgest fish faimilies comprisin mair nor 2,000speshiesin mair nor 200genera,whiles referred tae as the "true gobies".[1]


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  1. Patzner, R.A.; Van Tassell, J.L.; Kovačić, M.; Kapoor, B.G., eds. (2011).The Biology of Gobies.Enfield, NH: Science Publishers. p. 685.ISBN978-1-57808-436-4.