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Hogmanay in Edinburgh
Offeecial nameHogmanay
Observed biScots
SigneeficanceThe final day o theGregorian calendar
CelebrationsReflection; late-night pairtying; faimily gatherins; feasting; gift exchanges; firewarks; coontdoons; watchnicht services; social gaitherins, durin whilk fowk michtdance,eat,consumealcoholic beverages,an watch or lichtfirewarks
Date31 December
Relatit taeNe'er's Day

Hogmanayis aScottishhaliday that faws on31 December,the hindermaist day o the year. The nicht o Hogmanay stairts the lang celebration o the new year o theGregorian calender,wi twa baunk halidays follaein, for ordinar on1an2 Januar.

The oreegins o Hogmanay ar unclear but it micht derive frae Gaelic an Norse observances. Customs vary athort Scotland, an fur usual include gift exchangin an peyin visits tae friends an faimily, wi speicial attention bein gien tae the first-fitter, the first body throu the door in the New Year.


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The oreegin o the wird is obscure. The aerliest proponed etymology wis in 1693 in theScotch Presbyterian Eloquencethat the wird is a corruption o the Greekagía míne(αγία μήνη), or "haly month".[1]The three main modren theories pit it forrit as bein aither a French, Gaelic or Norse ruit.

The wird is first recordit in aLatinentry in 1443 in theWast RidinoYorkshireashagnonayse.[2]The first kythin in Inglis came in 1604 in the records oElgin,ashagmonay.[3]Forder 17t-yearhunner spellins includeHagmena(1677),[2]Hogmynae night(1681),[2]anHagmane(1693) in an entry o theScotch Presbyterian Eloquence.[1][4]

AwthoHogmanayis the dominant spellin an pronoonciation, mony variations o the name hae been recordit, includin:[5]

wi the first syllable various being/hɔg/,/hog/,/hʌg/,/hʌug/or/haŋ/.

French etymology

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It micht hae come intaeMiddle Scotsfrae French. The maist common citit ensaumple is that it comes frae the northren French byleidal wirdhoguinané,or variants sic ashoginane,hoginonoanhoguinettes,thon wirds comin frae the 16t yearhunnerMiddle Frenchaguillanneufmeanin aither a gift gien at New Year, a bairn's cry for sic a gift, or New Year's Eve itsel.[5][6]

'Auld Lang Syne'

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The Hogmanay prattick o singin 'Auld Lang Syne' haes become common in mony kintras. 'Auld Lang Syne' is a tradeetional poem reinterpretit byRobert Burns,that wis syne pitten tae muisic. It is nou common for this tae be sung in a circle o cleekit airms that's crosst ower ane anither as the knock chaps midnicht forNe'er's Day,awtho in Scotland the tradeetional practice is tae cross airms anerly for the last verse.[7]


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  1. abCrokatt, Gilbert; Monroe, John (1738) [First published 1693].Scotch Presbyterian eloquence display'd.Rotterdam: J. Johnson. p. 120.It is ordinary among some plebeians in the South of Scotland to go about from door to door upon New-years Eve, crying Hagmane, a corrupted Word from the Greekαγια μηνη,which signifies the Holy Month.
  2. abc"hogmanay, n.". OED Online. December 2014. Oxford University Press. (accessed 22 December 2014).
  3. "delatit to haue been singand hagmonayis on Satirday"
  4. abcdefgh"Hagmane".Dictionary of the Scots Language.Retrieved21 December2011.
  5. abcdefRobinson, Mairi (ed)The Concise Scots Dictionary(1985) The Scottish National Dictionary AssociationISBN0-08-028491-4
  6. Campbell, John Gregorson(1900, 1902, 2005)The Gaelic Otherworld.Edited by Ronald Black. Edinburgh, Birlinn Ltd.ISBN1-84158-207-7p. 575: "'Hogmanay' is French in origin. In northern French dialect it washoguinané,going back to Middle Frenchaguillaneuf,meaning a gift given on New Year's eve or the word cried out in soliciting it. "
  7. Queen stays at arm's length,Lancashire Evening Telegraph,5 Januar 2000.