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Irish Republican Army

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(Reguidit fraeIRA)

TheErse Republican Airmy(Erse:Óglaigh na hÉireann,Inglis:Irish Republican Army), kent as IRA forby, wis the airmy o theErse Republican later oan ae parameelitary airmy. The IRA is nou kent as the Auld IRA tae stoap confusion wi ither groups caad the IRA (theOffeecial IRAan theProveesional IRA). The Erse Republic wis declarit in 1916 an included aw 32 cooties oIreland.Hooanever, theUnitit Kinrickwadnae recognise the laund. Sae the IRA went tae war frae 1919-1921 wi the UK in theErse Weir o Unthirldom.Aifter the war, Ireland wis split intae theSoothren Ireland(laterErse Free Statean thenRepublic o Ireland) anNorthren Ireland.The split caused theErse Civil Warfrae 1921 till 1922 an the IRA teuk the anti-treaty side whilk gaed oan tae lose. This lead tae the IRA been makkit ane illegal airmy an the role o the offeecial airmy o the new Erse Free State went tae ae new organisation.

Aifter this the IRA remainit inactive untae theBorder Campaigno 1956-1962. Later oan in the 1960s the IRA split intae the Offeecial IRA an the Proveesional IRA. Baith airmies seen themselves as ae continuation o the Auld IRA. The Offeecial IRA offeecial disbanded in 1972 an the Proveesional IRA bides active the day, hooanever nae langer uses force an is conseederit tae be nou militarily inactive.