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Internaitional Union for Conservation o Naitur

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Internaitional Union for Conservation o Naitur (IUCN)
TeepInternaitional organisation
FoonditOctober 1948,Fontainebleau,Fraunce
Key fowkInger Andersen(Director General)
Zhang Xinsheng(Preses)
Aurie servedWarldwide
Focus(es)Naitur conservation,biodiversity
MissionWark on, forder an pit tae haun societies ootthrouch the warld fur tae haud in the mense an sindriness o naitur an fur tae mak siccar that ony uise o naitural resoorces is richt-lik an ecologically owerpittable
RevenueCHF 114 million / US$ 116 million (2013)
EmployeesOwer 1,000 (warldwide)

TheInternaitional Union for Conservation o Naitur(IUCN) is aninternaitional organisationwirkin in the field onaitur conservationan owerpittable uise onaitural resoorces.[1]

The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species
HeidquartersUnitit Kinrick
Region served
Offeecial leid
Parent organisation
Internaitional Union for Conservation o Naitur
AffiliationsSpecies Survival Commission,Birdlife Internaitional,Conservation Internaitional,NatureServe,Botanic Gairdens Conservation Internaitional,Ryal Botanic Gardens,Texas A&M Varsity,Sapienza Varsity o Rome,Zoological Society o Lunnon,Wildscreen

TheIUCN Reid Leet o Threatened Species(kent as theIUCN Reid LeetorReid Data Leetan aa), foondit in 1964, is the warld's maist comprehensive inventory o the globalconservationstatus obiological species.The IUCN is the warld's main authority on the inhaudin status o species.[2]A series oRegional Reid Leetsis ootcome bi kintras or organisàtions, whilk pruifs the mischance o awawedin tae speshies ben a poleetical owerseein unit.[3]

References[eedit|eedit soorce]

  1. "About IUCN | IUCN".www.iucn.org(in Inglis).Archivedfrae the original on 25 Februar 2024.Retrieved25 Februar2024.
  2. "Regional Red list Assessments".ICUN Redlist of threatened species.Archivedfrae the original on 21 Februar 2024.Retrieved25 Februar2024.
  3. "Regional Red List Assessments".IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.Archivedfrae the original on 21 Februar 2024.Retrieved25 Februar2024.