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Increeminal law,kidnappinis the takkin awa ortransportationo a body against that body's will, uisually tae hauld the body infalse impreesonment,a confinement athoot legal authority. This mey be done forransomor in furtherance o anither creeme, or in connection wi achild custodydispute.

In some kintras such as the Unitit States a lairge nummer ochild abductionsarise efter separation or divorce when ane parent wishes tae keep a child against the will o the ither or against a court order. In these cases, some jurisdictions dae no consider it kidnappin if the child, being competent, grees.

Namit forms

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  • Bride kidnappinis a term aften applee'd loosely, tae include ony bride 'abductit' against thewillo her parents, even if she is willin tae marry the 'abductor'. It still is traditional amangst certainnomadicfowks oCentral Asie.It haes seen a resurgence inKyrgyzstansyne the faw o theSoviet Unionan the subsequent erosion o weemen's richts.[1]
  • Express kidnappinis a method o abduction uised in some kintras, mainly fraeLaitin Americae,[2]whare a sma ransom, that a company or faimily can easily pay, is demandit.
  • Tiger kidnappinis takkin ahostageto make a loved one or associate of the victim do something, e.g. a child is taken hostage tae force the shopkeeper tae open the safe. The term oreeginates frae the uisually lang precedin observation, like a tiger does on the proul.


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  1. "Bride Kidnapping - a Channel 4 documentary".Channel4.com.
  2. Garcia Jr, Juan A."Express kidnappings".Thepanamanews.com. Archived fraethe originalon 30 Julie 2007.Retrieved7 December2006.

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