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Lan châu thị
View o Lanzhou
View o Lanzhou
Location of Lanzhou City (yellow) in Gansu and the PRC
Location of Lanzhou City (yellow) in Gansu and the PRC
Lanzhou is located in Cheenae
Location in Cheenae
Coordinates:36°02′N103°48′E/ 36.033°N 103.800°E/36.033; 103.800
KintraFowkrepublic o Cheenae
County-level divisions8
• MayorYuan Zhanting( viên chiêm đình )
• Deputy MayorCai Ming
Prefectur-level ceety13300 km2(5,100 sq mi)
• Urban
1,088 km2(420 sq mi)
(2010 census)
Prefectur-level ceety3,616,163
• Density270/km2(700/sq mi)
• Urban density2,000/km2(5,200/sq mi)
Time zoneUTC+8(China Standard)
Postal code
Area code(s)931
License plate prefixesCamA
GDP(2008)CNY84.6 billion
- per caipitaCNY25,566
Websitehttp://www.lz.gansu.gov.cn(in Cheenese)
Rugosa Rose
Traditional ChineseLan châu
Simplified ChineseLan châu
Leeteral meaninelegant state or Capital of Lan

Lánzhōu(Cheenese:Lan châu;Postal cairt spellin:Lanchow) is the caipital an lairgest ceety oGansuProvinceinNorthwast Cheenae.Aprefectur-level ceety,it is a key regional transportation hub, allouin auries further wast tae maintain railwey connections tae the eastren hauf o the kintra. Lanzhou is hame tae 3,616,163 indwallers at the 2010 census an 2,177,130 in the biggit-up aurie (urban) o 1,088 square kilometre (420 sq mi).

Oreeginally in the territory o the WastrenQiang fowks,Lanzhou became pairt o the territory o theState o Qinin the 6t century BC.

In 81 BC, unner theHan dynasty(206 BC–220 AD), it wis taken frae the Huns'Huandi Chanyuan made the seat oJinchengcommandery(jùn), an later o theJinchengcoonty(xiàn), later renamitYunwu.The ceety uised tae be cried the Gowden ceety, an syne at least the first millennium BC it wis a major link on the auncientNorthren Silk Road,[1][2]an a important historicYellae Rivercrossin steid an aw. Tae pertect the ceety, theGreat Waw o Cheenaewis extendit as far asYumen.

Efter the faw o theHan dynasty,Lanzhou became the caipital o a succession o tribal states. In the 4t century it wis briefly the caipital o the independent state oLiang.TheNorthren Wei dynasty(386–534) reestablishedJinchengcommandery, renamin the coontyZicheng.Mixed wi different cultural heritages, the aurie at present-dayGansuprovince, frae the 5t tae the 11t century, became a centre forBuddhiststudy. Unner theSui Dynasty(581–618) the ceety became the seat o Lanzhou prefectur for the first time, retainin this name unner theTang dynasty(618–907). In 763 the aurie wis owerrun bi theTibetan Empirean in 843 wis conquered bi theTang.Later it fell intae the haunds o theWastren Xia dynasty(which flourished inQinghaifrae the 11t tae 13t century) an wis subsequently absorbit bi theSong dynasty(960–1126) in 1041. The name Lanzhou wis reestablished, an the coonty renamit Lanzhuan.

Efter 1127 it fell intae the haunds o theJin dynasty,an efter 1235 it came intae the possession o theMongol Empire.

Dountoun Lanzhou seen frae athort the Yellae River

Unner theMing dynasty(1368–1644) the prefectur wis demotit tae a coonty an placit unner the admeenistration oLintaosuperior prefectur, but in 1477 Lanzhou wis reestablished as a poleetical unit.

The ceety acquired its current name in 1656, durin theQing dynasty.When Gansu wis made a separate province in 1666, Lanzhou became its caipital.

In 1739 the seat oLintaowis transferred tae Lanzhou, which wis later made a superior prefectur cried Lanzhou.

Lanzhou wis badly damagit durin theDungan revoltin 1864–1875. In the 1920s an 1930s it became a centre oSovietinfluence innorthwastren Cheenae.Durin theSeicont Sino-Japanese War(1937–1945) Lanzhou, linkit wiXi'anbiheich-gatein 1935, became the terminus o the 3,200 km (2,000 mi) Cheenese–Soviet heich-gate, uised as a route for Soviet supplies destined for the Xi'an aurie. This heich-gate remained the primar traffec route o northwastren Cheenae till the completion o the railwey frae Lanzhou taeUrumqi,Xinjiang.Durin the war Lanzhou wis hivily bombit bi theJapanese.

Durin the 1937 Japanese invasion o Cheenae, theGuominjunMuslimGeneralsMa HongkuianMa Bufangprotectit Lanzhou wi thair cavalry troops, puttin up sic resistance that the Japanese niver captured Lanzhou.[3][4][5]

The ceety is the seat o a currently vacantRoman Catholicdiocese[6]and wis previously the centre o avicariate apostolic(Vicariate Apostolic of Northern Kan-Su).[7]


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Lanzhou is situatit on the upper reaches o theYellae Riverwhaur it emerges frae the muntains an haes been a centre syne early times, bein at the soothren end o the route leadin via theHexi CorridorathortCentral Asie.It commands the approaches tae the auncient caipital aurie oChang'an(modrenXi'an) inShaanxiprovince frae baith the wast an the northwast, as well as the aurie oQinghai Lochvia the upper watters o the Yellae River an its tributars.

Climate an environs

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Lanzhou is situatit in thetemperate zonean enjoys asemi-arid climate(KöppenBSk) wi het simmers an cauld an vera dry winters. The monthly 24-oor average temperatur ranges frae −5.3 °C (22.5 °F) in Januar tae 22.4 °C (72.3 °F) in Julie. The mean annual temperatur is 9.75 °C (49.5 °F), while annualrainfawis 315 millimetre (12.4 in), amaist aw o which faws frae Mey tae October. The winters are sae dry that snaw is extremely rare. Wi monthly percent possible sunshine rangin frae 50 percent in Dizember tae 59 percent in Februar, sunshine is generous but no abundant, as the ceety receives 2,424 oors o bricht sunshine annually.

Environmental issues

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Seriousair pollutionin the ceety means that it haes some o the wirstair qualityo ony ceety naitionally.[9]Accordin tae theBlacksmith Institute,Lanzhou is ane o the 30 maist pollutit ceeties in the warld, wi its TSP (tot suspendit pairticle) ratin 247 percent abuin that o the Gansu State recommendation. Air quality is sae poor that at times ane canna seeLanshan,the muntain risin straicht up alang the sooth side o the ceety. At ane pynt, a controversial suggestion wis put forrit tae bulldoze a muntain adjacent tae the ceety, in order tae let fresh air intae the bowl whaur Lanzhou is situatit. It wis suggestit on the premise that the surroondin mountains block a free flow o air in the ceety. The ceety is locatit in a narrae river valley wi a unfortunate curve causin it tae be hemmit in wi nae free air flow. Lanzhou is the hame o mony factories an aw, includin some involvit in petroleum processin, an suffers frae lairgedust stormskickit up frae theGobi Desert,especially in the winter an ware. In 2011, uisin Cheenese statistics, theWorld Health Organizationreportit that Lanzhou haes the wirst air quality (annual meanPM10ug/m3 o 150) amang eleiven wastren Cheenese ceeties, an is even waur nor Beijing wi its readin o 121.[10]

The reach o the Yellae River at Lanzhou cairies a heich load o silt, giein the river its characteristic muddy appearance; housomeivver watter quality in this reach is better nor the "fetid ootflow that barely passes for watter twa oors dounstream".[11]


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Lanzhou experiences yirdquauks regularly, awtho uisually at law intensities. In 1920 a lairge yirdquauk wis experiencit killin mair nor 100,000 fowk in Eastren Gansu province, awtho anerly 42 wur killed in Lanzhou itsel, the law nummer bein attributit tae the strang yet flexible natur o the firthen biggins in the ceety.[12]

Admeenistrative diveesions

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Map # Name Simplifee'd Cheenese Hanyu Pinyin Population
(2010 census)
Aurie (km²) Density
City proper
1 Chengguan Destrict Thành quan khu Chéngguān Qū 1,278,745 220 5,812.47
2 Qilihe Destrict Thất lí hà khu Qīlǐhé Qū 561,020 397 1,413.14
3 Xigu Destrict Tây cố khu Xīgù Qū 364,050 385 945.58
4 Anning Destrict An ninh khu Ānníng Qū 288,510 86 3,354.76
5 Honggu Destrict Hồng cổ khu Hónggǔ Qū 136,101 575 236.69
6 Yongdeng Coonty Vĩnh đăng huyện Yǒngdēng Xiàn 418,789 6,090 68.76
7 Gaolan Coonty Cao lan huyện Gāolán Xiàn 131,785 2,556 51.55
8 Yuzhong Coonty Du trung huyện Yúzhōng Xiàn 437,163 3,362 130.03
9 Lanzhou New Aurie
A economic management aurie
no a formal admeenistrative diveesion.
Lan châu tân khu Lánzhōu Xīnqū

Lanzhou New Aurie

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On 20 August 2012, Lanzhou New Aurie wis appruivit bi the State Cooncil o Cheenae's Central Govrenment as the fift state-level new special economic development zone (follaeed bi Pudong o Shanghai, Binhai o Tianjin, Liangjiang o Chongqing, Zhoushan o Zhejiang), which is the first state-level new aurie in the northwast o Cheenae an aw.

  • TheFive Spring Moontain Pairk( ngũ tuyền sơn công viên ) wis biggit at the northren side o Gaolan Muntain, is famous for its five springs an several Buddhist temples.
  • TheYellae River Brig( hoàng hà thiết kiều ) haes connectit the transport hub o Lanzhou tae the mainland an northwast syne the Ming dynasty when fowk began tae envisage sic a crossin tae conquer the Yellae River.
  • Baita Moontain Pairk( bạch tháp sơn công viên ) wis biggit close tae the muntains at a elevation o 1,700 metre (5,600 ft) an opened in 1958 athort the Yellae River brig.
Panoramic view o Lanzhou ceety centre


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Syne 1949 Lanzhou haes been transformit frae the caipital o a poverty-stricken province intae the centre o a major industrial aurie. TheGDP per caipitao Lanzhou wis 25,566 (RMB) (US$3,681) in 2008, rankin it at nummer 134 amang 659 Cheenese ceeties.

Natural resources

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Thare is athermal generatin plantsupplee'd wi coal frae fields inQinghai.In addeetion, thare is ahydroelectric stationat Zhulama Gorge inGansu,an a lairge multipurpose dam haes been biggit in the Liujia Gorge on the Yellae River abuin Lanzhou.[13]

Main industries include textile mills,rubberprocessin anfertilizerplants, anile refinery,petrochemicals,machinery, anmetallurgicalindustry.

Gansu haes ane o the lairgestile refineriesin the kintra an Lanzhou itsel is the centre o the province's petrochemical industry. Lanzhou haes a lairge refinery linkit tae the fields atYumenbi pipeline. It manufactures equipment for theile industryan aw.

Lanzhou haes a lairgetextile industry,pairticularly notit for the production o ooen an leather guids. In addeetion, Lanzhou produceslocomotivesanrollin stockfor the northwastren railweys, as well as machine tuils an minin equipment.aluminumproducts, industrial chemicals, an fertilizers are producit on a lairge scale, an thare is a lairge rubber industry.Copperis mined in nearbiGaolan.

Lanzhou haes been ane o the centres o Cheenae's naitionalnuclear pouerindustry syne the 1960s.

Industrial zones:

  • Lanzhou Economic an Technological Development Zone
  • Lanzhou Heich-tech Industrial Development Zone


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Lanzhou is the collectin centre an mercat foragricultural produceanfermstockinfrae a wide aurie.


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Lanzhou Railwey Station
TheYellae Riverseen frae the pairk o theWhite Pagoda.
  • Lanzhou Airportserves as the main airport an is locatit 70 km (43 mi) north o Lanzhou. Flichts frae mair nor 20 ceeties depairt an arrive at the airport.

Lanzhou wis the seicont ceety in northwast Cheenae tae open a subwey line, in August 2012. The urban railwey netwirk,Lanzhou Metro,is planned tae conseest o sax subway lines runnin 207 km (129 mi). Three o the subwey lines, codit Line 1, Line 2 an Line 3, will extend 90 km (56 mi) in the ceety proper, while the three ooter lines, codit Line 4, Line 5 an Line 6, will run 117 km (73 mi), connectin the ceety centre wi Lanzhou Zhongchuan Airport, Yuzhong coonty an Gaolan coonty, respectively. The first twa lines will cost aboot 23 billion yuan ($3.6 billion) an be completit bi 2020.[14]

Lanzhou Railwey Stationis a major railwey hub o wastren Cheenae. Ivery day ower 100 passenger trains oreeginate or pass via this station. It is a vital focal pynt connectin the wastren Cheenese provinces wi the east. Lanzhou Railway Station is locatit on Huochezhan Dong Lu, in Chengguan destrict.

It haes the follaein railwey connections:

Construction o new heich-speed passenger-anerly railwey lines is carriet oot baith toward the east (theXulan Passenger Dedicated Line) an the wast (theLanxin High-Speed Railway). Thir services will uise a upgraditLanzhou West Railway Station.


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Bus services

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Lanzhou haes a notitbus rapid transitseestem which opened in 2013 an wan the ceety a honorable mention at the 2014 Sustainable Transport Awairds.[15][16]

Places o interest

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Xiguan Mosque efter aFriday Prayer

The ceety is the cultural centre oGansu.It is hame tae mony different ethnic groups an thair respective culturs, but the maist prominent three groups are the Han, Hui, an Zang.

  • Cheenese opera:Qinqiang Drama
  • Cuisine:Lanzhou beeflamiannoodles, the ruit o the lily, an mony different kynds o mutton aw featur intae Lanzhou's destinct fuid cultur.
  • Islam in China:XiguanMosque,the mosque wis constructit in the Ming dynasty an later rebuilt in 1990, an occupees a aurie o 467 square metres, an is ane o the maist influential mosques in Cheenae. The airchitectur o the mosque predominantly reflects that o Arab airchitectur.[17]

Colleges an varsities

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The ceety is the seat oLanzhou Varsity,foondit in 1909. The Naitional Minorities Institute at Lanzhou an a nummer o scienteefic institutes are locatit thare an aw. In pairticular,Northwast Normal Varsityhaes been the key varsity at the provincial level, which haes prepared ower 100,000 teachers in schuils athort the province Gansu.

Note: Institutions without full-timebachelor's degreeprograms are not listed.

Naitional level

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Ither public institutions

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Accordin tae the provincial halth bureau, aboot 42,000 fowk dee o cancer ivery year inGansu,accoontin for 25 percent o the province's oweraw daiths. Mair nor 1 billion yuan (146 million U.S. dollars) is spent annually on treatin cancer in the province.

See an aw

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  1. Xian Xiaowei, Zhang Linyuan, Ai Nanshan and Wihelm Wohlke,On the relation between the evolution of natural environment and human factors and the development of urban settlement—Take the Lanzhou Valley Basin as an examples,Springerlink vol.1,no.1 (1991)[deid airtin]
  2. C.Michael Hogan,Silk Road, North China,the Megalithic Portal, ed. Andy Burnham
  3. Stéphane William Darrach Halsey, Bernard Johnston (M.A.) (1989).Collier's encyclopedia: with bibliography and index, Volume 14.Macmillan Educational Co. p. 285.Retrieved28 Juin2010.
  4. Stéphane William Darrach Halsey, Bernard Johnston (M.A.) (1983).Collier's encyclopedia: with bibliography and index, Volume 14.Macmillan Educational Co. p. 285.Retrieved28 Juin2010.
  5. Stéphane William Darrach Halsey, Bernard Johnston (M.A.) (1983).Collier's encyclopedia: with bibliography and index, Volume 14.Macmillan Educational Co. p. 285.Retrieved28 Juin2010.
  6. Archdiocese of Lanchowat catholic-hierarchy.org
  7. Vicariate Apostolic of Northern Kan-SuatCatholic Encyclopedia
  8. "Trung quốc địa diện quốc tế giao hoán trạm khí hầu tiêu chuẩn trị nguyệt trị sổ cư tập ( 1971-2000 niên )"(in Simplified Chinese).China Meteorological Administration.Archived fraethe originalon 21 September 2013.Retrieved4 Mey2010.CS1 maint: unrecognised leid (link)
  9. [https://web.archive.org/web/20150924020717/http://www.gansudaily.com.cn/20050107/110/2005107A0003G001.htm Archived2015-09-24 at theWayback MachineGansu Daily, [reports lowest staundin o 84 Cheenese ceeties surveyed]]
  10. WHO report OAP_database_8_2011.xls
  11. Yellow River Pollution Is Price of Economic Growth,Rob Gifford. NPR, Jan. 6, 2008
  12. “The Earthquake,” E. J. Mann in Links with China and Other Lands, No. 31, April 1921, Lanzhou: China Inland Mission (quarterly) Bound volume in MS 380302, Papers of Ebenezer and Mabel Mann, SOAS, 331.[1]Archived2013-10-11 at theWayback Machine
  13. "Liujiaxia Gorge and Bingling Temple".Archived fraethe originalon 4 Mairch 2016.Retrieved9 Apryle2014.
  14. http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/business/2012-06/27/content_15526833.htm
  15. Buenos Aires, Argentina Wins 2014 Sustainable Transport AwardArchived2014-09-01 at theWayback Machine,Institute for Transportation and Development Policy
  16. "Lanzhou BRT".Archived fraethe originalon 11 Februar 2014.Retrieved9 Apryle2014.
  17. Xiguan MosqueArchived2021-07-27 at theWayback Machinefrom Muslim2China
  18. "Institute Of Technology official website".Archived fraethe originalon 24 November 2021.Retrieved9 Apryle2014.
  19. Lanzhou City University official website

Freemit airtins

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