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Latvie leid

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latviešu valoda
Pronunciation[ˈlatviɛʃu ˈvaluɔda]
Native taeLatvie
Native speakers
1.75 million (2015)[2]
Latin(Latvie alphabet)
Latvie Braille
Offeecial status
Offeecial leid in
European Union
Leid codes
ISO 639-1lv
ISO 639-2lav
ISO 639-3lavinclusive code
Individual codes:
lvsStaundart Latvie leid
ltgLatgalian leid
Uise o Latvie as the primar leid at hame in 2011 bimunicipalities o Latvie
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Latvie(latviešu valoda) is the offeecial state leid oLatvie.It is an aa sometimes referred tae asLettish.Thare are aboot 1.4 million native Latvian speakers in Latvie an aboot 150,000 abroad. The Latvian leid haes a relatively muckle nummer o non-native speakers, atypical for a sma leid. Acause oleid policy in Latvieaboot 1.9 million or 79% o the Latvian population speak Latvian.[4]The uise o the Latvian leid in various auries o social life in Latvie is increasin.[5]

Latvian is aBaltic leidan is maist closely relatit taeLithuanie,although the twa are nomutually intelligible.

Latvian first appeared in Wastren prent in the mid-16t century wi the reproduction o theLord's Prayerin Latvian inSebastian Münster'sCosmographia Universalis,inRoman script.


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  1. "Lettish".TheFreeDictionary.com.Retrieved28 Julie2007.
  2. LatvieatEthnologue(18th ed., 2015)
    Staundart Latvie leidatEthnologue(18th ed., 2015)
    Latgalian leidatEthnologue(18th ed., 2015)
  3. Nordhoff, Sebastian; Hammarström, Harald; Forkel, Robert; Haspelmath, Martin, eds. (2013)."Latvian".Glottolog.Leipzig: Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology.
  4. Dažādu tautu valodu prasme(in Latvie)
  5. DELFI - Rihards Svelpe: Trîs veidi kâ pârdot Latviju starptautiski