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The name Muhammad written in Islamic calligrafie.

Muhammad(Arabic:محمد‎ (or sometimesMuhammad ibn Abdullahan an' a' transliteratit asMuhammed,MohammadorMohammed) (ca. 26 Apryle 570 – 8 Juin 632), wis the foonder o thereleegionoIslam.an is considered biMuslimstae be amessengeranprophetoGod,the last law-bearer in a series oIslamic prophets,an, bi maist Muslims, the last prophet o God as taught bi theQuran.Muslims thus consider him the restorer o an uncorruptit oreeginalmonotheisticfaith(islām) oAdam,Noah,Aubraham,Moses,Jesusanither prophets.He wis an aa active as a social reformer,diplomat,merchand,philosopher,orator,legislator,militar leader, humanitarian, philanthropist, an, accordin tae Muslim belief, an agent o divine action.