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Anocean(fraeΩκεανός,Okeanos(Oceanus)inGreek) is a muckle body osaut watter,an a preencipal pairt o thehydrosphere.Aroon 71% o theYird'ssurface(an area o some 361 millionsquare kilometer) is covert bi ocean, theae body o watterthat is maistlins split intil twa-three muckle oceans an a puckle smawerseas.Mair nor hauf o this area is ower 3,000 meter (9,800 ft) deep. Average oceanicsalinityis aroon 35pairts per thoosand(ppt) (3.5%), an juist aboot aw seawatter haes a salinity in the range o 31 tae 38 ppt.

Surface o theAtlantic Oceanmeetin the Yird'splanetar boundary layerantroposphere.