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Ptolemy I Soter

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For the astronomer, seePtolemy;for ithers named "Ptolemy" or "Ptolemaeus", seePtolemy (disambiguation).

Ptolemy I Soter I(Greek:Πτολεμαῖος Σωτήρ,Ptolemaĩos Sōtḗr,i.e. Ptolemy (pronoonced/ˈtɒləmi/) the Savior, c. 367 BC – c. 283 BC) wis aMacedonienGreekgeneral unnerAlexander the Great,who became ruler oEgyp(323 BC – 283 BC) an foonder o baith thePtolemaic Kinrickan thePtolemaic Dynasty.In 305/4 BC he teuk the title opharaoh.

His mither wisArsinoe o Macedon,an, while his faither is unkent, auncient soorces variously describe him either as the son oLagus,a Macedonien nobleman, or as an illegitimate son oPhilip II o Macedon(which, if true woud hae made Ptolemy the half-brither o Alexander). Ptolemy wis ane o Alexander's maist trusted generals, an wis amang the seivensomatophylakes(bodyguards) attached tae his person. He wis a few years aulder than Alexander, an haed been his intimate friend syne childhood. He mey even hae been in the group o noble teenagers tutored biAristotle.

Ptolemy served wi Alexander frae his first campaigns, an played a principal pairt in the later campaigns inAfghanistananIndie.At theSusamarriage festival in 324, Alexander haed Ptolemy mairy the Persian princessArtakama.Ptolemy an aa haed a consort inThaïs,the Athenienhetaeraan ane o Alexander's companions in his conquest o the auncient warld.