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Aquark(/ˈkwɔːrk/or/ˈkwɑːrk/) is anelementary particlean a fundamental constituent omatter.Quarks combine tae furmcomposite pairticlescriedhadrons,the maist stable o which areprotonsanneutrons,the components oatomic nuclei.[1]Due tae a phenomenon kent ascolor confinement,quarks are never directly observed or foond in isolation; thay can be foond anly withinhadrons,sic asbaryons(o which protons an neutrons are examples), anmesons.[2][3]For this reason, much o what is kent aboot quarks haes been drawn frae observations o the hadrons themselves.

Thare are sax types o quarks, kent asflavors:up,doun,strange,charm,bottom,antap.[4]Up an doun quarks hae the lawestmasseso aw quarks. The hivier quarks rapidly chynge intae up an doun quarks throu a process opairticle decay:the transformation frae a heicher mass state tae a lawer mass state. Acause o this, up an doun quarks are generally stable an the maist common in theuniverse,whauras strange, charm, tap, an bottom quarks can anly be produced inheich energycollisions (sic as those involvincosmic raysan inpairticle accelerators).


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  1. "Quark (subatomic particle)".Encyclopædia Britannica.Retrieved29 Juin2008.
  2. R. Nave."Confinement of Quarks".HyperPhysics.Georgia State University,Department of Physics and Astronomy.Retrieved29 Juin2008.
  3. R. Nave."Bag Model of Quark Confinement".HyperPhysics.Georgia State University,Department of Physics and Astronomy.Retrieved29 Juin2008.
  4. R. Nave."Quarks".HyperPhysics.Georgia State University,Department of Physics and Astronomy.Retrieved29 Juin2008.