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Seawatter in theStrait o Malacca

Seawatteror saut watter iswatterfrae aseaorocean.On average, seawatter in the warld's oceans haes asalinityo aboot 3.5% (35 g/L, or 599mM). This means that ivery kilogram (aboot ane litre bi vollum) o seawatter has approximately 35 gram (1.2 oz) odissolved sauts(predominantlysodium(Na+
) anchloride(Cl
)ions). Average density at the surface is 1.025g/ml.Seawatter isdensernor baithfresh watteran shire watter (density 1.0 g/ml @ 4 °C (39 °F)) acause the dissolved sauts add mass withoot contributing significantly tae the vollum. Thefreezing pynto seawatter decreases as saut concentration increases. At teepical salinity it freezes at aboot −2 °C (28 °F).[1]The cauldest seawatter iver recordit (in a liquid state) wis in 2010, in a stream unner anAntarcticglacier, an meisured −2.6 °C (27.3 °F).[2]


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  1. "U.S. Office of Naval Research Ocean, Water: Temperature".Archived fraethe originalon 12 December 2007.Retrieved6 December2013.
  2. Sylte, Gudrun Urd (24 Mey 2010)."Den aller kaldaste havstraumen".forskning.no(in Norse). Archived fraethe originalon 6 Mairch 2012.Retrieved24 Mey2010.CS1 maint: unrecognised leid (link)