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TheTysdayis thedayo theweekatweenMonandayanWadensday.Hit gits its name inInglis,Scots,an the Scandinavian leids fae the Nordic godTyr(inAuld Inglis,Tiw, Tew o Tiu).

The name for the day inArabic,Armenian,Georgian,Greek,EbreuanPortugueseis "thrid day".Quakerstradeitionallie caas Tysday the "Thrid Day" an aw, eschewin the "heathen" oreigin o the Scots name "Tysday".

Shrove Tysday(forby kent asMardi Gras- fat Tysday) foregangs the first day oLentin the Wastren Christian calendar.

Tysday is the uisual day for elections in theUnitit States.Federal elections taks place on the Tysday efter the first Monanday inNovember;this date wis estaiblisht by a law o1845for presidential elections (speceeficallie for the walin o the Electoral College), an wis rexed tae elections for theHoose o Representativesin1875an for the Senate in1914.Tysday wis the earliest day o the week at wis practical for powin in the early 19t century: ceetizens micht hae tae traivel for a hail day for tae cast their vote, an wadna want tae leave on Sunday (the day o wirship for the feck o them). Monie American states hauds their presidential primarie elections on "Super Tuesday".

Black Tysday,in the Unitit States, is the name gien tae29 October1929,the stairt o the muckle stock mercat panic o 1929. This wis the Tysday efter Black Thursday, at wis the stairt o the verraMuckle Depression.

In the Greek warld, Tysday (the day o the week o theFaa o Constantinoplein1453) is thocht on as a unlucky day. The same is true in the Spanish-speakin warld, whaur a sawe rinsEn martes, ni te cases ni te embarques(On Tysday, dinna get wad nor begin a journey).