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Uccle(in French)
Ukkel(in Dutch)
Toun Haw
Toun Haw
Banner o Uccle (in French) Ukkel (in Dutch)
Coat of airms o Uccle (in French) Ukkel (in Dutch)
Coat airms
Uccle (in French) Ukkel (in Dutch) is located in Belgium
Uccle (in French) Ukkel (in Dutch)
Uccle(in French)
Ukkel(in Dutch)
Location in Belgium
Uccle municipality in the Brussels-Caipital Region
Coordinates:50°48′N04°20′E/ 50.800°N 4.333°E/50.800; 4.333Coordinates:50°48′N04°20′E/ 50.800°N 4.333°E/50.800; 4.333
CommunityFlemish Community
French Community
• MayorArmand De Decker(MR)
• Total22.87 km2(8.83 sq mi)
(1 January 2017)[1]
• Total82,307
• Density3,600/km2(9,300/sq mi)
Postal codes
Area codes02

Uccle(French pronunciation: ​[ykl]) orUkkel(Dutch pronunciation:[ˈʏkəl](listen)) is aone o the nineteenmunicipalitieslocatit in theBrussels-Caipital Region,Belgium. Uccle is kent for its well-tae-dae auries, its green spots an its heich rental rates.

Accordin tae legend, Uccle’s kirk oSt. Peterwis dedicatit biPape Leo IIIin the year 803, wiCharlemagnean Gerbald,Bishop o Liège,attendin the ceremony. Durin the follaein centuries, several noble families biggit thair manor an teuk residency here. The first mention o the nameWoluesdal,nou evolved intaeWolvendael,dates frae 1209. In 1467,Isabella of Portugal,wife ofPhilip the Guid, Duke o Burgundyfoondit aFranciscanconvent on Uccle’s territory. Later, Uccle became thejudiciarycaipital o the aurie includinBrussels.Throughoot the early stages o its history, housomeivver, the veelage o Uccle aaways haed a predominantly rural character an lived maistly frae the products oforestryanagricultur.

At the end o the 18t century, a few years efter theFrench Revolution,Uccle merged wi neighbourin territories tae acome acommune,wi its awnmayoran municipal assembly. It haed tae wait till 1828, housomeivver, for theDutchauthorities tae allou the construction o the first toun haw. This wis a time o economic prosperity an growthe, stimulatit bi the proximity tae the twa main roads linkin Brussels tae the industrial sooth. A newer an lairger toun haw wis biggit atween 1872 an 1882. Banker anphilanthropistGeorges Brugmann contributit a lot tae the urbanisation o the ceety juist afore the turn o the century. In the early 20t century Michel van Gelder introduced a new breed o chicken, thed'Uccle,named efter the toun. Despite the acceleratit rate o construction that teuk place in the early 20t century, Uccle succeedit in keepin several o its green auries intact, which nou attract mony o the Brussels aurie’s wealthier indwallers.

Lying ayontForestan Ixelles an skirtin the Forêt de Soignes, Uccle is Brussel’s lairgest an maist sootherly commune. Lairge, 19t-century detached hooses wi generous gardens mak this green an calm suburb a favourite wi well aff expatriates, wi the airt deco aurie aroond the Ryal Observatory an the fringes o the Forêt de Soignes the twa maist desirable addresses.

Main sichts

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  • Uccle is mainly a residential aurie, but coonts a lot o pairks an forestit auries, sic as the Pairk o Wolvendael an the Verrewinkel Woods. The municipality is situatit tae the immediate wast o the famousBois de la Cambre(Dutch:Ter Kamerenbos) an aw.
  • St. Job Square an the aurie near St. Peter's Kirk an the toun haw are twa aulder pairts o toun, nou filled wi a happy mix of stores an pubs.
  • Uccle is the steid o the Belgian naitionalweather station,theRoyal Meteorological Institute:ony information on Belgian weather, unless region specific, is describit bi the statistics recordit in Uccle. Richt next door is theRyal Observatory o Belgium.
  • Uccle Cemetery, kent as Dieweg Cemetery an aw, wis creatit follaein acholeraepidemics that afflictit Brussels in 1866. Its mixtur o trees an auld stanes exudes a unique romantic atmosphere.
  • TheBloemenwerf,aturn-o-the-century(1900)Art Nouveauvilla biggit bi airchitectHenry Van de Velde.
  • Nemo 33is the deepest indoor soummin puil in the warld.

Notable residents

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Kriekenputstraat/Rue du Kriekenput
The Paepenkasteel in 1694
Uccle cairt o 1777
The touer o the Paepenkasteel

Twin ceeties

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Freemit airtins

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