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The seembol that biologists uise for female

Awumman(pluralweimenorwummen) is afemalehumanadult.The wird "wumman" is uised for tae commune anentbiologicalsex,houaniver, the term wumman is forby uised for tae identifee a female human anaw, regairdless o eild, as in phrases sic as "Weemen's richts". The seimbol for the goddessVenusis uis'd for weimen.

Sexual an physiological properties

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A wumman pregnant

A wumman haes auterusorwame.It is the marrae o a humanmale,orman.Weimen giesbirthti bairns. A youthie female is aften cried alass or quean. Ti hae bairns, it is needfu ti hae apintle(male) an avagina(female). A wumman can becumpregnant.

Rechts, releegion an consideration o the wumman

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Ere the 20t centurie, weimen in maist o the warld daedna hae thericht ti vote,an wis treatit wi disrespek.

Eve, the wumman wha betray'd God in theBible
  • The image o the wumman in the Bible is uis'd ti be objek o discussions, as it shaws (eftir sum feminists) the wumman as sinful craiturs, for byspel the storie o Eve wha "betray'd" God in the Paradise bi aetin the aipil o the Tree o Kennis (or "Wisdom" ). The wumman hae nae recht ti be priests in theCatholic releegion.

In sum prehistoric culturs, weimen aft haed the roles o gaitherinfuidan luikin eftir bairns. In modren tyms, thae roles haes chynged a lot.

  • Thar is a day ilka yeir whan the weiman ar celebratit throu monie demonstrations an thair fichts are encouragit: the 8t o Mairch. It is caw'd The Weimen's Day.