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Socialismis the name gien tae sindrie poleitical ideas. Socialists believes in evenlyness, solidarity, an social juistice. Monie fowk haes unalike conceits anent whit socialism means. Monie socialists thinks the guvrenment or the state shuid be aucht the "commandin hichts" oindustry.Ithers thinks that warkers shuid be aucht the industries that thay wirk in. The'r ithers that says that the ettle shoud be that fowk shuid be mair equal, but this shoud be gotten unner areformedcapitalism.

Karl Marx

Some fowk says that anInglisman,Robert Owen,wis the first socialist. He sayed that warkers shoud be aucht the companies that thay wrocht tae. The warkers wad than divvie up the ootcome amang thairsels.

Monie socialistpoleitical pairtieswis creatit in the19t centuryan the early pairt o the20t century.

The maist weel-kent socialist isKarl Marx,that scrieved TheCommunist Manifesto.

Socialism an Communism

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Socialism ancommunismis sib ane tae the ither, but no the same thing. Nouadays,socialismis a gey wide-rangin term, whilecommunismin ordiner spaek aamaist aye refers juist tae the ideologies o theMarxist-Leninistpairties o thecommunist bloc.

EfterWarld Weir Ane,the faa o theSaicont Internationalan theRoushian Revolution,socialism wis splitten intae twa tradeitions. Some socialists follaedLeninan wis cryedCommunists.Ithers believed in a pairlamentary gate tae socialism an wis cawedsocial democrats.Social democrats disagreed gey strangly wi Communists; afttimes thay entered intae guvrenments in thair naitions, cryed "bourgeois guvrenments" bi the socialists, an stertit tae rule ower capitalist kintras.

Monie social democrats haes nou quat e'en thair auld idea o reformin capitalism, an rins capitalist guvernments aa roond the warld.

Monie fowk that nou cries thairselssocialistsis opponed tae baith capitalism, an the seestem o the auldSoviet Unionthat thay see (specially efter the rise oJoseph Stalin) as a betrayal o the principles o democratic socialism.

Kinds o socialism

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Socialist Pairties

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