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(Reguidit fraeBuisiness)

Abuisinessis a wey o organeesin wark, whaur ane or mair fowk offers tae sell gear orservicetae ither fowk, for mairsillerthan it costs them tae mak or provide it. The differ gies siller tae pey the Boss an his chiels, an likely tae keep a warkshop an ony byordinar gear needit. The nummer o fowk that works for a buisiness can be juist the ane, sic as in abaurbershop in a smawtoun,or as mony as hunders o thoosans o fowk aw ower the warld, sic as in acompanythat dreels forile.

Some buisinesses dinna need a fixed place lik anofficeor ashop.Ajyneror anelectreecianthat works for themsels maistlins taks awthing thay need for wark wi them, anfishermenthat bides at sea wark oot o thairboats.

Buisiness,athoot anairticle,maistlins refers tae the currentstateo theaebuisiness or various buisinesses: "Buisiness is guid."